anyone do good?


New member
I was wondering if anyone did any good today. I went out and scared up 2 hens but that was it. I also didn't see anyone with any birds.
We put a lot of roosters up but with the not so good shooting brought home only 2. That's the most hunters I've seen out in the last several years. The hunting should be a lot better when the corn is completely out and we get some more weather.
Went out by Brush and Ft. day, perfect weather, but since we don't have a dog (looking for a German Shorhair) we didn't do any good.

My 12 year old and 15 year old boy scared 3 up, but didn't get any of them! Lot of people, lot of shooting, but I never saw anyone with a bird.
Saw some tracks in Washington county... dog got real birdy. Saw one rooster cross the road in Yuma. By the time I got permission to go after it it was 300 yards away and then flew over to another field. Other than that, it was a day of a lot of exercise for both me and the dog. Can't wait to head back out to SD next week!
Perfect Opening Day!

I'm new to CO (have lived here barely over 1 yr), new to this forum & new to a population of wild pheasants to be had anywhere near where I happen to live...Have a yellow lab good-to-go on all his duck work & coming along real nice on the quarter-n-flush game (only some fine tuning left on the stop-to-flush)...just he and I hunting together took a limit of birds on Sat's opener! Needless to say I have been bit!!!

My dog & I were on the learning curve together last year (got my 1st - and one-and-only wild CO bird late last season)...but we're learning fast & gettin' an earlier start this season! Put on a lot of scouting miles in a big circle loop back to Denver after limiting out by noon & from the looks of what I saw, looks to be a really fun year!!! Saw a LOT of roosters in the comparatively few areas where all the corn was down, but more corn than not still needs to come down...

Many thanks to all of you veteran pheasant hunters on here - without homing in on anyone's particular hotspot, I have learned an awful lot from putting together everything read on all of the pheasant hunting threads/posts from CO, NE, & KS!!!

I could possibly use some select/good company this season - it is heck trying to corral a bunch of birds with just one man & one dog! Had to search really hard for small & thick enough patches of cover to work effectively...Plus it would be really nice to maybe leap-frog rotate between dogs a little, keeping a fresh one in the field while the other one rests up for another run. PM me if anyone is interested in doing a little teaming up! :)
Opening Day

We had a team of eight hunting private land in Yuma county with my two labs. We hunted until 2 PM and then scooted back to Denver to try to beat the incoming storm. We brought back 8 birds and could have easily doubled that if we'd bagged most of what flushed in range. My 10 year old lab retrieved 5 of them and my 8 mo. old pup one of them--after we'd looked and looked and given it up for lost. We were hunting CRP fields and saw more birds than I've ever seen in eastern CO. I'm recently retired, have time and willing labs on hand and am looking to expand my bird hunting circle of friends. Please PM me if you're looking for hunting partners.
I could be in heavan, Ive never seen so many birds. The dogs all but wore out but we're huntin tomorrow..........and the day after and the da.......................................
First off, thanks for the advice from those who gave it on the crop harvest and the weather. It helps.

We hunted south of Yuma on some private properties the hunting club I am in leases. Our group of six ended the weekend with 15 roosters, 7 bobwhite and a rabbit for good measure. Kicked up two groups of 20+ birds and only ended with one out of the two groups. :confused: Amazing how hard it can be when they are flying everywhere.

Quick thought, I will probably head back out a few more times, and it is hard for me to get a group together later in the season to hunt those properties. If anyone is interested in teaming up for those later hunts, I would love company. All I care about is that you are safe, legal (no tresspassing even if there are ten roosters in a tree), don't mind walking (a lot), and will have fun whether we get birds or not. Newbies are especially welcome. PM me if you are interested.
We hunted North and South of Brush on SWA and WIA land. We saw some hens and lots of hunters, but didn't get any birds. The only rooster we saw all day was flying across the road at dusk. Anyway, I introduced my five month old lab puppy to guns (she doesn't mind shotgun blasts at all), got some good retriever training in, and had a good time with the guys. There are worse ways to spend a Saturday.

I hunted WIA by myself with my new pup, her first time ever this past weekend. Both days we had our limit by 9:30.

I think my biggest advantage was that I was by myself. It kept us from moving too fast and allowed every bird we flushed to be in range. It also helped that I only missed one time all weekend.

I too was disgusted by the large groups of hunters nearly running through the WIA and long flushing all the birds into the private standing corn. I would not consider myself an expert, but I would strongly recommend to many hunters that they simply take their time and allow the birds to hang tight and get nervous. One great opportunity beaks the hell out of three Hail Marys!
I hunted WIA by myself with my new pup, her first time ever this past weekend. Both days we had our limit by 9:30.

I think my biggest advantage was that I was by myself. It kept us from moving too fast and allowed every bird we flushed to be in range. It also helped that I only missed one time all weekend.

I too was disgusted by the large groups of hunters nearly running through the WIA and long flushing all the birds into the private standing corn. I would not consider myself an expert, but I would strongly recommend to many hunters that they simply take their time and allow the birds to hang tight and get nervous. One great opportunity beaks the hell out of three Hail Marys!

Yeah, I talked to obsession. Can you believe it; first time out in Coloraod and limits out both days. Conratulations! :10sign:

Slowing down may help, but the birds will get educated fast. A month from now you'll have to park several hunderd miles away from your hunting area to try and keep the element of surprise on your side. Trust me, it gets tough! And when they start running, and your dog is on a birds trail, its hard to pull them back. You'll see!

I ended up going out on Sunday with three other guys. We did okay and bagged five birds. We probably should have had twice that many. The good news for me; I limited out! The dogs did great too!