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I just returned from 5.5 days of hunting bliss. If you stayed home this year.... you made a mistake. If you stay home any year.... you made a mistake. The area I hunted was hit hard with drought and hail. But, there were more pheasants this year than last year. That is my opinion. Also talked to several other farmers whom have hunters come to hunt their land. General consensus was same or slightly more birds this year compared to last. I went with two guys whom can not walk well and are even worse shooters. They each only shot one rooster all week. Sounds bad right? Well here is the rest of the story. The farmer we stay with was able to hunt all week with us and he is a good shot like myself. The farmer and I shot 32 birds in 5.5 days. Our blockers shot 2 birds and I don't know how many they could have shot and missed but it was easily a limit.
We only hunted for about 2.5 hours in the field each day. Then took a snack break until about 3:30 then road hunted the ditches. With only having one dog, I didn't want to burn her out after three days. We hunted all private and public ditches, which I don't think made a difference as we saw birds everywhere. I sat with the farmer deer hunting every night and the birds coming into the CRP's and trading back and forth at dusk is just an unbelievable site. This year was the most birds I have seen since I hunted near Ipswitch back in 2006. In 2006, we would stop the truck at a CRP and anywhere between 100-300 birds would immediately get up and flush a couple hundred yards and return to the ground. I have never seen those numbers since. However, this year while road hunting we stopped at many small cattail slews next to the road and up to a few dozen would bounce around.
In my opinion the male to female bird ratios was the highest I have ever seen. Glad we took 34 roosters out of the mix. Cattails were great producers, followed by fireweed chocked pheasant food plots. Waist high grass held many birds too as long as it wasn't too blown down.
This is the seventh year I hunted this same area which is within 1 hour from Mitchell. Every year I do better, regardless of the road counts. Last year we had 6 people in our hunting party with 4 experienced dogs and four experienced hunters and harvested 64 roosters (the same two blockers I had this year did about the same last year). This year one dog and two experienced hunters and 34 roosters. 40% decline....... I don't think so.
From the first time I went to SD hunting in 2006 I vowed I would go every year as long as I could still walk and even if I couldn't walk anymore, I would still try to go. I live in Clemson SC and usually am looking for fellow hunters to fill my party. I like to take 6 people total. Must have a dog. Will always go after Thanksgiving from now on.
We only hunted for about 2.5 hours in the field each day. Then took a snack break until about 3:30 then road hunted the ditches. With only having one dog, I didn't want to burn her out after three days. We hunted all private and public ditches, which I don't think made a difference as we saw birds everywhere. I sat with the farmer deer hunting every night and the birds coming into the CRP's and trading back and forth at dusk is just an unbelievable site. This year was the most birds I have seen since I hunted near Ipswitch back in 2006. In 2006, we would stop the truck at a CRP and anywhere between 100-300 birds would immediately get up and flush a couple hundred yards and return to the ground. I have never seen those numbers since. However, this year while road hunting we stopped at many small cattail slews next to the road and up to a few dozen would bounce around.
In my opinion the male to female bird ratios was the highest I have ever seen. Glad we took 34 roosters out of the mix. Cattails were great producers, followed by fireweed chocked pheasant food plots. Waist high grass held many birds too as long as it wasn't too blown down.
This is the seventh year I hunted this same area which is within 1 hour from Mitchell. Every year I do better, regardless of the road counts. Last year we had 6 people in our hunting party with 4 experienced dogs and four experienced hunters and harvested 64 roosters (the same two blockers I had this year did about the same last year). This year one dog and two experienced hunters and 34 roosters. 40% decline....... I don't think so.
From the first time I went to SD hunting in 2006 I vowed I would go every year as long as I could still walk and even if I couldn't walk anymore, I would still try to go. I live in Clemson SC and usually am looking for fellow hunters to fill my party. I like to take 6 people total. Must have a dog. Will always go after Thanksgiving from now on.