A5 Sweet 16
Well-known member
A5 - I will agree with everything you said, especially the speed while hunting in cattails. When solo hunting, I spend a lot of time in cattails, often which is walking 20 yards and stopping for a bit and letting the dock thoroughly work everything. To clarify, the day that I hit almost 15 miles last week involved no stopping for lunch and hunting pretty much non-stop from 10:00 to sunset. I am also the youngest and in shape guy for our group of 4, so I volunteer to do the most work (by a lot). I probably walk a little faster than I should, but I also zig zag back and forth the entire time- never in a straight line which can also add up the miles really quick. We also hunted lots of smaller pieces that were within a picked field, so hunt this 100 yard stretch, then get through the next 400 yards of picked cornfield quickly to hunt the waterway, etc. All adding up the miles.
Jackrabbit, I figured you knew all that stuff, especially if your name reflects your alma mater (Jacks are a little smarter than most). I hunt enough public ground that I get to see plenty of "mistakes" out there (or things I THINK are mistakes) & I've made most of them myself over the last 35 years. Just thought maybe I could help somebody out.
I get it though. All those "non-productive" miles do tend to add up. Walking way around a piece of cover to block or approach from the right direction; treks between pockets of good stuff; long hauls back to the truck. And we don't even have any snow yet. Once we have a foot or better on the ground and it's truly cold, that's when you see who the REAL fools are. (note: since I'm one of those fools, I should probably use the term diehard)
Living where I do & being able to hunt as often as I do, I'm fortunate to be very familiar with a ton of public ground. Usually there's a way to make sort of a loop out of it & try to maximize the productive miles. But not always. And if you have to wear out your boots in order to get to a little pocket of great stuff that you think should have a couple roosters in it.....then you do it.