Any CO Blue Grouse Hunters???


New member
Any of you CO guys ever specifically target Sept blue grouse? I have hunted them a couple of times years ago in New Mexico (without dogs) & we always managed to pop a few incidentally over the years with judo points as excellent camp meat while archery elk hunting - but I would really like to try hunting them with a flushing lab this fall, both as a new/different type of adventure & a way to get my dog out early.

Anybody who knows the ropes interested in teaming up??? Or does anyone at least have some tactical advice for a rookie? I do know a little in general the kind of overall habitat they tend to hang out, but need some pointers on how to go about ferreting them out & gettin em' to flush with any semblance of consistency. I have the feeling it may be pretty brutal terrain to hunt for this 50 yr old! :) :(

Any well-seasoned pointers or tips whatsoever would be greatly appreciated...

One of the most interesting outdoor shows I have ever witnessed was of some dog handlers with flushing labs putting up blue grouse for the falconers' hovering birds to swoop down & grab upon the flush (no guns necessary) - the tandem animal work/handling was fantastic to watch! Any falconers out there interested in giving it a shot??? :D
Roger, Those darn things are dumb as rocks. I honestly do not know how they survive from year to year. Your dog is sure to spot them before smelling them. My spots are o.k. Depends on the available forage. They are the only idiot bird to move higher when the snow flies. So we need to catch them early down in the willows and berries , because I can not chase them in the rugged stuff either. Plus they taste better before they just start living off pine needles. Probably killed more with a sling shot as a kid than with my shotgun or Bow. It would be good to get the dogs a little work and hopefully not make any archery or muzzleloader guys too mad. There is plenty of forest!!!!!!!
@Chad--LOL, I knew they were called "idiot/stupid chickens" or something like that & they have always pretty much just stood there and posed for my judo-points whenever I happened to randomly run across one while elk hunting...Just wanted to try and find a few with deliberation & hope that they will flush before the dog just runs up and grabs em (maybe we don't even need a shotgun)! :p

Sure are BIG birds though & good eats...
Yeah, can't tell you how many times i had grouse and taters for breakfast at elk camp. One time, I just smoked one with a judo and that darn thing flew away. Last year at elk camp I was walking the top of the ridge and I noticed some grouse tracks, but I was keeping my eyes peeled for elk, then blam, that bird broke every branch in the forest when it exploded. My heart was in my throat and then a bull jumped up and all I could see was butt and horns.:eek::eek::eek:
I have had a few fly away with my arrow so I always try to pin them to a log now. LOL I have had a few scare the crap out of me when im trying to sneak through the trees and they jump up 3 ft away.
Byrd what area do you hunt? I sometimes hunt the Cherokee park area and around new castle and both have a pretty good population of grouse depending on the year.
Dumb, Yes, but Tasty

Blue (now "Dusky") Grouse are dumb. They act like barnyard chickens. But man are they good to eat.
I've never hunted them but I'm planning a trip out to New Mexico in August to give it a couple days' try over my new setter.
A good way to spot and figure out good places to hunt grouse is during spring turkey season. it is also the beginning of their breeding season and they respond to turkey calls by beating and thumping and strutting and seem more dumb during this time of year. I do pretty well in the fall by working my way up ridges and catching the birds as the flush off the crown of that ridge.
Went out this weekend and saw some encouraging sign for Blue Grouse hunters. Lots of young ones.

great pic, bleu. Hey are the blue grouse like sage grouse, in that the younger ones, make better table fare? we always shot the smaller sage grouse, and let the bombers go. the big ones had to be pressure cooked to eat. they gave a new meaning to the saying, " tuff old bird."
Jmac, they're all good eating unless theres snow on the ground and they're eating pine needles.
Any Takers?

I am looking to hunt grouse for the first time this year. I am sure it will be a learning experience.

If anyone is interested is interested in teaming up with me and my pup, please send ma a pm.

Thank You!
Around Kremmling?

Any suggestions where to hunt some grouse around Kremmling? There are so many places to try, I'm just trying to narrow it down a little. Thanks
I've shot a few up off the Crooked Creek Rd. between Fraser and the Williams Fork. Just drive those logging roads up on the pass and you're bound to run into some.
Thanks Winchester! Every time I drive over Ute Pass I say to myself "I should take that road sometime". Now I have a good reason.
Will be headed down south to gunnison again for labor day weekend for our traditional grouse & goose slam,couldnt find a better b-day gift for my best friend.:cheers: