This whole thing, I'm sorry is a bunch a hooy. All we know is they release a butt load of pen birds. We also know they shoot a butt load of birds. We also know there is a butt load to shoot. Other then that, I find it hard to remotely believe they have a way of keeping track, or for that matter are honest about it. (Being wild or pen). After all many are not honest in the fact that they claim to have you hunting wild birds in the first place. Yet release truck loads in the dark

Sure, "some" are wild in them places. They as far as I know do not tag or band birds so people have no clue, according to the 2 people I know who run operations out there, or guide at them. The laws are mostly drivin by the business end of things out there, so that would only serve to shoot themselves in the foot.
In all reality, if you pay to play its your risk. You most likely are shooting some 10$ pen birds. And a few wild ones. Unless you pay a farmer just to access, or go to a place like Uguide or something.
Sure, if you pay to play, and they release a butt load of birds in them big operations, you will see lots of birdies. More in most cases then if you work at it. Hunting true wild birds is more satisfying in my opinion. And from my experience, with a good mutt, not all that much work in SD anyway. You don't need those 2,000 bird flushes just to shoot 3

If you just go do the public lands and good old fashion door knocking, or buy a feller a drink or two at a pub to get on a private spot. Your 99.9% sure to be hunting the good old wild bird:thumbsup:.
If I was going to go pay, it would be a place like Uguide runs. But that's just me.