If there are turkeys in the woods that the pheasants want to avoid that would explain their behavior.
You know, turkeys are dominate over pheasants but they will put up with each other. Chuck posted some photos of wild turkeys and wild pheasants feeding together one winter. Though, the turkeys will not let pheasants eat until they are done. Either-way, they are not a threat to the pheasants in a way that they would detour them from entering into a wooded area.
I think what we have here in IL is a wild pheasant that's very overly wary.
Analytical---1995 and prior, I would frequent an area with my dad each spring to watch the roosters cackle and show off their stuff for the hens.
Today, I have to enter into the fields to hear them cackle, let alone see them. They won't cackle in the open and when they do, they run right after they cackle. 10-15 minutes later they cackle from another area and run again.
Again, same area. Huge areas of habitat, railroad tracks, smaller fields in-between, etc. On one side of the large "hub" lives a lighter strain "Chinese" looking ringneck. Someone released these birds a couple years ago. On the other side is what I would consider a "typical" IL stain of wild pheasants--been there for many years now. Seldom do I see the older-stain of pheasants cross roads or walking in the open.
Where the lighter colored "Chinese" looking stain lives (again on the other side of the "hub") pheasant are seen in good number crossing roads, cackling in the open, etc. He doesn't seem to be as wary/shy as the strain of pheasants on the other side of the field.
Funny thing is, the "Chinese" stain can not be found on the other side of the hub. The established wild IL pheasants that inhabit that area are not letting the other stain in to inhabit that area. This could be due to hen's not wanting to breed with the lighter colored roosters, or the established roosters are keeping the lighter colored birds from entering into their "territory". Maybe something else.
FC--Lol.....I got it. I know about Denny and the valley. Thank you
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