I recently had the opportunity to answer a question of a young 20 something would be hunter, who was contemplating a lifetime of upland hunting. The young guy got a taste of pheasant hunting on a long weekend, had more than typical success, became enamoured with dogs, the birds, the places. Question was this, Should I decide to get involved 100% , buy dogs, train them, make the effort at travel, time, and expense, buy specialized clothes, expensive guns, explain the affliction to a puzzled wife, doubting friends. This isn't the way it was phrased, but whether he knew or not, it's all in there. I am ashamed to say, I was only mildly supportive, and I'm sure dissapointing to the questioner. I am not sure anymore that I am doing anyone a favor in advocating a commitment to what has become more and more obviously a disappearing past-time. Despite my deep and abbiding love for all things upland, in particular quail hunting, I fear we are a couple of bad years in a row from being out of business. No need to talkme off the ledge, I'll hang in there. Justdon't know if I want to be responsible for another addict, risking divorce, with a kennel full of dogs who will live their whole life and see a handful of birds. So tell me, What do we say, besides join Pheasants Forever!