A terrible, terrible awful hunting day...

They always say "a bad day of hunting is better than a good day of work". This is not always true. I know everyone I hunt with would work a whole season to be able to redo last Saturday.

Most of you probably read the posts on "closing weekend brag board". More has happened since, so I thought it would be good to start a new post.

Within minutes of me posting the "triumph" of last Saturday on UPH, I found out the lab we hunted with was having stomach torsion. We were able to find a vet at 1 am, in a town we were not from, but it was to late and the lab died. This made the day in my mind the worst hunting day of my life.

During the hunt one of the GSP's took a cornstalk in the roof of her mouth, it lifted her whole front end off the ground. She whined a little and went right on hunting. 2 days later she started bleeding from her mouth. Vet looked her over, found out the stalk went through the roof of her mouth and into her skull narrowly missing the brain. With some work she got to go home, the vet expected a full recovery. She went back to the vet again, with more bleeding. Again the vet thought the situation was fixed. I got word today that she did not make it.

I don't know how many of you have lost 2 dogs in one day of hunting. I hope no one else. Neither of these dogs were mine, but I hunt over them every time I go out. It is a good thing the season is over.

I would much rather work, and work, and work, than go on that hunt again.
Dang, All I can say is, our thoughts are with you all. :(
really sorry to hear that. Pretty weird to have two incidences like that in one trip. Take care. Your story made me rethink the way I feed my dog.
Sorry to hear about the (two fold) bad news haymaker:(.

As you said, time and pups will help a bit.

Best of luck to you and those who lost their dogs.
Damn, that's a rough day . . . sorry that the dogs & you folks had to endure that.
Wow, that too bad, I feel for the owners. On the last day of hunting for myself, my lab got the end of a cattail poked into his mouth. He got a horrible infection, wouldn't eat, didn't want to move, vet gave him a shot, then antibiotics, was good as new 3 days later...I sure feel lucky now....
Losing a dog to old age hurts like the dickens. NO ONE would want to have to endure what you, and your friends saw, and felt. We are all terribly sorry to read this thread, we feel for all of you, and your losses! sincerely
That sucks. As someone who had a lab go through stomach torsion, I have some idea of what the owner went through. My lab survived surgery but in the end was never the same, at times I wished he would have died on the mountain where the torsion happened. He made it another 6 months but was never the same.

Anyway, I agree with the other posts, time and puppies...

The cost of having a good dog is a broken heart at the end.
R. Kipling
What a bad deal. Get started with some new dogs; they deserve the good home you provide.
That is a sad, sad story. My condolences to all--and have them start looking for pups. Think of the new pups as honoring the departed-not replacing them.
Un real, That sucks. Hope you and your friends recover from that. Hard to forget. Sad. I had a corn stock hurt a dog too. I also had one go through my truck tire, and a tractor tire. It is a field of spears. I avoid them now untill chopped or plowed.

sorry to here about that it is really is horrible thing to go through i lost one last year its tough good luck time heals
Post hurt to read. Your dogs or not a guy gets connected to dogs he gunned over that non hunters can't understand. I know of a couple labs that I would hate to hear of their passing and I only see them a few times each year during pheasant season. Hope another pup is the start of a new run for you and your hunting pards.
They always say "a bad day of hunting is better than a good day of work". This is not always true. I know everyone I hunt with would work a whole season to be able to redo last Saturday.

Most of you probably read the posts on "closing weekend brag board". More has happened since, so I thought it would be good to start a new post.

Within minutes of me posting the "triumph" of last Saturday on UPH, I found out the lab we hunted with was having stomach torsion. We were able to find a vet at 1 am, in a town we were not from, but it was to late and the lab died. This made the day in my mind the worst hunting day of my life.

During the hunt one of the GSP's took a cornstalk in the roof of her mouth, it lifted her whole front end off the ground. She whined a little and went right on hunting. 2 days later she started bleeding from her mouth. Vet looked her over, found out the stalk went through the roof of her mouth and into her skull narrowly missing the brain. With some work she got to go home, the vet expected a full recovery. She went back to the vet again, with more bleeding. Again the vet thought the situation was fixed. I got word today that she did not make it.

I don't know how many of you have lost 2 dogs in one day of hunting. I hope no one else. Neither of these dogs were mine, but I hunt over them every time I go out. It is a good thing the season is over.

I would much rather work, and work, and work, than go on that hunt again.

Wow that is really sad to hear on the GSP as I had saw your post and replied on the Kansas board previously on the lab. Sorry to hear such bad news and my condolences to you and who ever owned both dogs.
So sorry for the loss of the dogs. Never lost a hunting dog, but had the family dog drown right in front of me after falling through ice. Never easy losing a dog. Again, my condolences.