A modest proposal


Active member
Since we read the notice that due to the fact we are mostly aging dinosaurs and unable to support our sport going forward, I thought I would have some fun with this and make a modest suggestion, with apologies to George Bernard Shaw. Be it resolved that there is a shortage of funding for hunting and fishing programs, and further resolved that access to these activities is limited due to the fact that nearly all of Kansas is private property, Robin Jennison proposes the following resolution. Introducing the Brownback "Hunt wherever the heck you want" program, along with it's sister program, "The Mike Hayden fish wherever you want" program. Details will emerge,but the meat of the legislation is that for a "princely" sum, you may hunt and or fish, literally anywhere within the state of Kansas, excepting school yards, day cares, and sporting events, with the confidence that you have permission. a photo I.D. will be issued, with the back featuring the governor smiling in upland game garb, giving the thumbs up. Additional paperwork would include the "Governors pardon", officially absolviing you in perpetuity for any bothersome tresspass violations which might result, and Kansas road atlas. A portion of all sales will be set aside for the legal fees, counselling, and restitution to the outraged and agrieved landowners, park squirrel feeders, and tramatized school girls who might be affected. Advertising campaign would focus on the obvious, such as, " remember that 8 point buck in Overland park the old people feed in their yard? Now you can set up your treestand and hunt him where he lives! or "Imagine the satisfaction, when confronted by a screaming farmer in a pickup, as you exit a posted field with your limit, you can produce your card, Sorry Charlie, I can hunt where I want! A brief question and answer period will procede the implementation, to allow for public comment, suggestions, or objections, at the conclusion of which,we will do what we want anyway. It's this kind of forward thinking leadership that characterizes this administration, we believe this will be the catalyst for " Hunt and Fish if you want" programs across the country.
Hope the program has Medical and dental!!!!!!! I am sure it will be needed!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Lmao, how much will this "hunt where you want" license cost?:cheers:
Will people over 65 get their card for free?

Free? Or even reduced rate seems to be a dirty word. You did see the princely sum, right? I assume residents would still recieve a discount over the non-residents. How much is only speculation. Suggestions?, Bids? Maybe like a Bighorn lottery.
Free? Or even reduced rate seems to be a dirty word. You did see the princely sum, right? I assume residents would still recieve a discount over the non-residents. How much is only speculation. Suggestions?, Bids? Maybe like a Bighorn lottery.

Is there an exclusive resident only first weekend? I didn't remember what your position was on that:)
I'm pretty satisfied with the status quo, but I enjoyed reading your post.

I would also suggest that the card should be on a string or lanyard so it's easier for the EMTs to remove it from the card-holder's arse after it gets placed there by an angry landowner...
LMAO, if you were banned UPH would be boring:D:D:D
I have enough trouble as it is, you guys trying to get me banned?

I always enjoy reading your posts. Even if they are 180 degrees from my viewpoint, they are always thought provoking. :thumbsup: I really enjoy the discussions we have on this board, all of us, I mean.