A look at Texas now

A great post. Sad, as I live in Oklahoma and I can show you many pictures of the same here in OK. 90+ days over 100 degrees and counting, Pray for rain!
WOW truely bad --how can anything live thru that---it's gonna take years to recover
The Link won't go no where for me. Just sits there and won't connect.
Good luck down there folks. Oppisite here. We are flooded. The rain won't stop. It is causing trouble here. Amazing the two conflicting weather patterns from here to there. We have never had this much rain fall that I can remember. Many roads have been under water for months. Lakes over full and cabins and homes flooded. Wierd.:confused: I will pray for our rain to head your way. Got rained out from work again today.
Those pics are very hard to look at, Nothing but pain and suffering. Hope you all get some much needed rain.
Just one question. We have very tough hard winters some years, deep snow, -30...-40 below zero. If we let our cattle or other live stock die. We would be charged with felony animal cruelty. I can find a endless amount of starved/heat related dead livestock photo's. Law must be different in Texas.
Tough deal. Many ranchers sold there cows because of this. I doub't too many starved. Many thinned because of lack of food. No way can one bring in enough food to such a huge region. And no way would it be a crime if it is out of your control. Animal neglect is way different then weather caused disasters. This is a sure disaster. And I bet they all would like green acres and the cattle back. Sad deal and a hurt on all of ours economy:(