A lesson of life


New member
Apr 2012 has turned in to a bad month.
I lived for ten years in Topeka KS and made a lot of friends, one was my hunting/fishing buddy John, he always had good hunting dogs and I was sad to leave him in KS with me going to SD. About 5 years ago he lost his hunting dog and I found him a good female yellow Lad puppy and met him halfway to give it to him, he named her Babs.

Ten days ago while working on his deck he sliped and fell hitting his head, its really looking bad and he will likely not recover and durning all the confussion when it happened Babs ran off and was killed by a car.

Just remember to enjoy your friends and hunting dogs, because you just never know. ME I'M BUMMED OUT.
Sorry to hear the bad news. It seems sometimes life can take some sudden cruel turns. Take care.
Sorry to hear of the news. Remember the good times. Modern medicine is truelly remarkable now days hopefully he pulls through. Tomorrow is not guaranteed so live for today.
Hope things turn out good for you and your friend. Had a friend that was in his 80's that this happened to several years ago and he did not make it because of where he got hit on the head. I'll be thinking of you and your friend and hope for the best.
Very sorry to hear about your friend, and the lab. Things should not happen that way! Sorry for what your going through!
Wow, sorry to hear that Jim. Life is a fragile thing that should not be taken for granted.