a good case for a backup gun

I pack an extra, precisely because I am not a beginner. I shoot mostly old doubles, they may have been built right for a lifetime of service, but that was 100 years ago, in some cases maybe a lot more. Age and metal are not on friendly terms, so just like me and age, things tend to breakdown and deteriorate. In my youth when shooting 1100 LT's I carried spare O rings, extra barrels, ( before choke tubes), and even a spare trigger group. I changed barrels depending on conditions for choke selection, fortunately never needed any of the other spares. Never felt stupid for having them, or had regret over carrying the "extras" along.
I really didnt say take a backup gun, just have one in the safe, as far as big game goes using a quality rifle that might see a few hundred rounds a year at most to a shotgun that could see many thousands isnt aples to aples. My gun just flat broke, the recoild buffer is in a few pieces and it just flat quit, it can happen to anyone, an SBE2 is not a low end shotgun and niether is any of my guns/gear, i buy the best i can find for my aplication but since i am not going to Alaska i guess i am a beginner,oh wait i am a beginner lol:D

never took a backup gun-
even on my own in Alasaks- backup gun- cracks me up

it's all good- you beginners should take 4 guns
I think you should carry 2 guns in the field- or three

some of the best hunting and times afield are when your gun might be suspect-
Guns rich days poor

Wow I guess I just didn't understand---I thought EVERYONE had a shotgun or rifle for each day of the week-----after all isn't this the age of DIVERISTY:D:D:D
My guns are like my fly rods. They have feelings too.:(

I bring my backup just so he feels better that he's coming along and doesn't off himself in a fit of depression!:D

That's why I never leave my guns loaded.

ROFALMAO....I have to do the same thing:cheers: