small munsterlander owner
in many areas wear there was once forest of all ages that held grouse there is now nothing but corn fields soy beans & old mature timber wear left for deer hunters & there QDMA practices & thus i assume that hurts the ruffed grouse in many of these areas back east???
ive hunted turkey in MN WI & MT wear ruffed grouse were around & it held no effect on there breeding or well being yes if you dont really have enough quality ruffed grouse habitat or brooding habitat to start with if you bump a grouse out of the area it may be harmful to them but its not the turkey hunters fault there is not enough ruffed grouse habitat in a give n state or region there has got to be some middle ground wear the deer grouse turkey pheasant woodcock ETC. all mix
baiting deer dose suck for so many reasons now i have another not to like it they attract grouse & turkey eaters ive seen in TX they fence them off maybe that helps keep the broods safer???
ive hunted turkey in MN WI & MT wear ruffed grouse were around & it held no effect on there breeding or well being yes if you dont really have enough quality ruffed grouse habitat or brooding habitat to start with if you bump a grouse out of the area it may be harmful to them but its not the turkey hunters fault there is not enough ruffed grouse habitat in a give n state or region there has got to be some middle ground wear the deer grouse turkey pheasant woodcock ETC. all mix
baiting deer dose suck for so many reasons now i have another not to like it they attract grouse & turkey eaters ive seen in TX they fence them off maybe that helps keep the broods safer???