5 Million $$$$$$$$

OK heres the BIG question:eek: If you were offered 5,000,000 dollars would you give up hunting FOREVER:eek: THIS INCLUDES DOGS,GUNS, HECK EVERYTHING HUNTING RELATED. So which one is it guys and gals:) Money or hunting?
Boy I'm not for sure I do like hairy and browndog. Oh what the hell I'd blow the money anyway. I'm keeping my dogs.
OK heres the BIG question:eek: If you were offered 5,000,000 dollars would you give up hunting FOREVER:eek: THIS INCLUDES DOGS,GUNS, HECK EVERYTHING HUNTING RELATED. So which one is it guys and gals:) Money or hunting?
Boy I'm not for sure I do like hairy and browndog. Oh what the hell I'd blow the money anyway. I'm keeping my dogs.

You mean Cooty your not worth 5 Million already?????? WTH you been camping on your back side??? LOL ROLFLOL. He77 no I would give up hunting for 5 Mill. 250 Mill like the dumb a$$ baseball player just got, then maybe. I can shoot a lot of clays for 250 Mill.:D
Reckon this old boy would pass on the big $$$$. Not much point in having tons of money if I can't have my dog, guns, and hunting. Pretty easy decision for me.
You mean Cooty your not worth 5 Million already?????? WTH you been camping on your back side??? LOL ROLFLOL. He77 no I would give up hunting for 5 Mill. 250 Mill like the dumb a$$ baseball player just got, then maybe. I can shoot a lot of clays for 250 Mill.:D

Not for sure where I went wrong in life:( No 5 mill here just a dumba$$:D guess I should of loaded up on steriods and played ball:D
let me know who has the 5 mill to offer to you. we'll have benelliboy rob him and we will hide it for him. then when benelliboy boy gets caught and sent away we will use it to hunt all over the world:D
Hell NO! Hunting maybe..my guns..NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the hell would I spend all that money on if I couldn't have dogs, guns, or go hunting?
Oh and my dogs...depends on the day..LOL
I think I might take the money and buy some more land and provide some more habitat. No hunting just habitat and cattle.
You mean Cooty your not worth 5 Million already?????? WTH you been camping on your back side??? LOL ROLFLOL. He77 no I would give up hunting for 5 Mill. 250 Mill like the dumb a$$ baseball player just got, then maybe. I can shoot a lot of clays for 250 Mill.:D

No you cant, U gave up your guns remember.
That would be like selling your soul to the devil. If I gave up my guns and dogs for $ you might as well call me a socialist/communist.
Happy safe hunting.
If I gave up the hunting - dogs and guns I would have 5 million in the bank. :D

May my wife never sell my stuff for as much as I told her I paid for it. :cheers:
don't kid yourselves..... If you really were offered that much money you all would take the money and run! We all would!