interesting comment but i see a couple of holes. in the past there have been studies that show that out of state hunter's have the most amount of manners, those with the least are the locals. the rifle deer season, regular, last about 10 days, that's not much out of a bird season that is well over 80 days long. in the area i hunt, mostly n.w. kansas most of the walk in area is extremely poor deer cover, most of the deer i do see are mule type and those lic. are especially hard to come by and shooting white tail out of wheat fields is a tought proposition for out of state hunters and maybe lastlyl, the state has recognized the problem by increasing the fines when it comes to deer and turkey to create a deterrent. about 2 years ago only about 70 citations were issued for trespassing in the whole state of kansas so something doesn't add up. one other thing, complaining will get you smaller numbers of hunters and with the political climate we are in today what we need are more hunters. there is security in numbers and don't forget it. make do.
Please post up these "studies" of out of state hunter's manners.
Just how do you "study" someone's manners anyways?
Studies and statistics can be bent and swayed in any direction you want. Did you know that 90% of statistics are made up on the spot and 68% of people believe them?
Actually, I didn't even mean to imply that this was all non-res hunters (although after re-reading my post I can see how you thought that). It just happened about that time.
Also, no complaint about losing bird hunting time either...I don't know where you got that??? I have enough land access that I can always find somewhere to hunt. I just don't like what it's done to deer hunting and deer hunters. When you see truck after truck driving the mile sections of WIHA...just what exactly do you think they're doing? Looking for a place to hang a stand? Ha ha ha...not hardly.
And, just because the WIHA is wheat stubble, that doesn't mean the land next to it is!
You can call it complaining or whatever you want (although the "complaining will cost us hunters"is quite the stretch), but this IS an issue!
70 violations? There's another statistic that means nothing. I run people off our land every year, but I've never called the law. I no doubt SHOULD (and the land owner does), but it becomes a matter of time and inconvenience to me.
We had the company that makes the WIHA signs make us 500 purple "no hunting without written permission" signs on purple plastic. I post them on T-posts prior to the upland season opener on every piece of land that's not in WIHA. At the end of the season we pick them all up and repair the ones that have been driven over. And we STILL have to kick people off the land!
You will NEVER convince me there's not a problem! I know better!