you guys drive me crazy!
I better get a big raise this year, otherwise the kids are going to be missing some money out of their piggybanks, cuz daddy's going back to SD next year. I MUST make it out on an incredible trip like the ones you guys experience quite frequently. I went for a guided trip in Clark county and saw more birds than I've ever seen in my life, but it still doesn't compare to the footage contained in the videos you guys put on here. I will be taking advatage of UGUIDE's very reasonable rates if there is still a spot open for me after I recover financially from the holidays. I hope SD is still this incredible in years to come, because I must personally experience what you've attempted to share with us in your posts, pics, and vids. Thanks for putting your guns down long enough to get the footage that you got! Ya'll are blessed, don't forget it, not even for a day!