2007 Pheasant Hunting Photos & Reports


Those are real good action photos. Getting multiple bird action photos are difficult. Nice group photo. Looks like there was a lot of shooting going on. How many rounds did it take to bag that many? HA HA
These guys got these birds at my place on Nov. 30th. 2 short of limit.

There are a TON of birds concretrated all over state of South Dakota. Show and cold and really bringing them into groups.

We've had one heck of a year thus far!!! I'm bummed out to think there's less then 30 days left..:(



Yep, That's me. Happened to wear it two day in one week and wouldn't ya know we took pics both those days!! I spent a few good years there at Huron Collage. RIP, old school.

The little guy in front is my oldest, he'll be three in Feb. the other is my 17mo old, they both love everything about hunting so far and I can't wait for them to get old enough to get in the field!!
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UGUIDE West River Adventures - Timberlake

DJ, Tyler and Devin after a productive day at the West River Adventures Pheasant Camp near Timberlake.


Report for the day is "Gobs" of birds in the Aberdeen area. Between now and season end birds will be "swarming at most prime areas of state.

What we like to see is about a 1 to 4 rooster to hen ratio at most camps or even higher ratio of hens to roosters. Still way too many roosters left in all areas. Especially this year.

Nice pics guys...

In SW Wisconsin, we've had plenty of snow and unfortunately, plenty of ice too. My Dad's been doing lots of scouting over the past week and isn't seeing birds in their usual haunts. Don't know if some had their tailfeathers and feet frozen to the ground with all the ice but it's not looking real good right now.

We're going to hunt some land this weekend that, due to a change of ownership, hasn't been hunted in 4 years. The property has a lot of great bird cover and always held good bird numbers in the past. We'll see if it's still the bird sanctuary it was a few years ago. We hunted property immediately to the west of it opening weekend and had good results.
My Dad did some more scouting today (he's retired). He saw lots of birds today -- they're coming out of their week of "hibernation" following the series of ice and snow storms we had in this area. Many were probably frozen in their roosts for several days.

The way he described their behavior, they seem pretty disoriented and most likely weakened by hunger as a result of the severe weather over the past week. He said he was able to drive right up alongside the birds on the roadsides and stop and the birds seemed to ignore his presence.

He said he stopped and glassed 2 roosters and 2 hens for about 10 minutes that were jumping at a patch of 4 or 5 standing corn stalks. They're predicting a warm-up next week so that should give the surviving birds some needed relief and access to more food.
UGUIDE - WEBGUY - Verizonman in North Dakota

Me (UGUIDE) and a couple buddies (WEBGUY and VERIZONMAN)were up hunting at the UGUIDE Hokana Ranch Pheasant Camp this weekend. We hunted Friday and Saturday. The lodge is located right on the state line road and we hunted both South and North Dakota. We saw thousands of birds. We were able to get our limit both days and even got a few birds on the South Dakota side. We bagged a couple mallard ducks too as we came across some open water. Here's a picture from the conclusion of our Saturday hunt.
ND/SD Combo Pheasant Hunt

I gotta say guys... if any of you are checking out this post... hell of a hunt. Hunting in 2 states, in the same day? Pretty cool. The border of SD is just a stones throw away from the front door of this North Dakota pheasant hunt.

The video or photos don't do it justice. It's always hard to do photos and video when we are so in awe by the late season pheasants. I think the December hunts when the birds are all bunched up is the best hunts.

It was my first invite to North Dakota for the birds. Piles and piles of wild birds.

you guys drive me crazy!

I better get a big raise this year, otherwise the kids are going to be missing some money out of their piggybanks, cuz daddy's going back to SD next year. I MUST make it out on an incredible trip like the ones you guys experience quite frequently. I went for a guided trip in Clark county and saw more birds than I've ever seen in my life, but it still doesn't compare to the footage contained in the videos you guys put on here. I will be taking advatage of UGUIDE's very reasonable rates if there is still a spot open for me after I recover financially from the holidays. I hope SD is still this incredible in years to come, because I must personally experience what you've attempted to share with us in your posts, pics, and vids. Thanks for putting your guns down long enough to get the footage that you got! Ya'll are blessed, don't forget it, not even for a day!
Two day hunt in NW Iowa, Kossuth County. My two Britts... (L.) Bobbie, 9.7 yo and my new one (R.)Maggie Mae, 6 mo. Maggie had her first rooster point and retrieve on one of those birds. The photo shows the dismal conditions we are facing in No. Iowa. All fields are covered with 1-2" of ice and extremely hard snow pack. I'm afraid we'll lose a lot of birds this winter. The storm came the weekend after TGiving and there's been very little thawing and not much expected in the immediate future.
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I don't have Photo Shop, yet, but do have some other software. Is that the watercolor option that you did to those? I sure need to get my photo editing skills up to par. Do I recall the "fenceline" was your of your father? Either one would look really good on your wall.


Maynard Reece
Dodge City


I don't have Photo Shop, yet, but do have some other software. Is that the watercolor option that you did to those? I sure need to get my photo editing skills up to par. Do I recall the "fenceline" was your of your father? Either one would look really good on your wall.


Maynard Reece
Dodge City

Thanks Maynard! You are correct about that fenceline shot - that's my Dad. I used the Photoshop "Fresco" effect on that shot. On the shot of my Springer, Rosie, I used the Fresco effect, then applied the "Cutout" effect over that. You can play with the settings for most effects but I didn't find it necessary with those two shots. The second shot's framed, matted and on the wall.

Btw... I'm just using Photoshop Elements Ver. 6. At $100, it's a lot cheaper than the full Adobe Photoshop CS2, which runs about $600.