I live in Amarillo and hunt the Panhandle. Last weekend we quail hunted around Tulia. We tried to hit just our honey holes because it was going to get hot in the afternoon. We didn't see a single quail or pheasant. I am hoping they were just hanging out in the uncut milo fields. Keeping my...
I've done basically the same thing with my 28ga. SxS. Got to the next stop....no gun!! I went back to where I last had it, about a mile away. I didn't see it on the road, so it should have been right where I parked. I was hoping I hadn't ran over it. Still couldn't find it, panic was starting...
I am doing a trip for the first time to Wyoming. Going after bucket list birds Sage Grouse, Hun and Chuker. Will be in KS for the pheasant opener. Couple trips to AZ for Mearns Gambles, and Blues....if the numbers hold. Not to mention NM Blue Grouse for the first time. Then just my normal dove...
I have heard it said that our K-9 companions give us only one bad day through out their lives, and that is the day leave us. Sorry to hear of your companions health issues. Stay strong.
I have two strap vests and a upland coat w/bird bag on the back and shell pockets. All three have leashes, emergency triage kits for the dogs, T-post steppers, Gerber multi tools and since I run wirehairs, a steel bristled comb.
Congratulations on a beautiful rooster.
I've always called them a buff. I shot one in a 1/4 section field that was waste deep in tumble weeds. It fell in front of another hunter that joined our party through a mutual friend. He was newbie. Since the cover was so thick I asked him to pick it up...
I went with the leather holster as well. At first I was a little leery of the the button snap being the only thing holding it to my d-ring or belt, but so far so good. I may affix some type of lanyard as backup.
I moved away from the SD 1850 Uplander to Garmin Pro 550 Plus this year. I don't know how I've lived without it. Simple to use and peace of mind knowing where my dog is in the thick CRP is awesome. Highly recommend!!!
SW Kansas. 6 guys, 12 dogs, one and a half days. 4 roosters in the bag and 4 missed opportunities. Numbers were clearly down from last year in the same areas. Hot, dry and windy. Tough weekend! Still had a great time.
Last year was a tuff year for my pickup and trailer. My average last year was 2.5 hrs windshield time. I hope things are better this year in my back yard.
I see you hunt the Hugoton area. I will be there tonight. We always stay at the Flamingo. Blue Ford pickup with white dog trailer. Stop and say hello if you see me out and about.