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  1. reddog

    Sun setting on another season and a career for Breez

    Breez was diagnosed with incurable cancer at the start of the season. I've been able to give her a farewell tour hunting small patches relatively successfully. Today the sun is setting o not only the season, but her stellar career as a bird dog/ family pet. She's is showing no signs of the...
  2. reddog

    Final two days of the season

    Little of both. Lol
  3. reddog

    Final two days of the season

    Couldn't get my Skeeter on the water on Saturday. Sunday went up with a Crestliner on a roller trailer..
  4. reddog

    Final two days of the season

    Couldn't pass up a couple nice days to fish. Maybe today ill stretch the dogs legs out a bit..:)
  5. reddog

    Relocation to south dakota

    I sent you a DM...
  6. reddog

    Final two days of the season

    My intentions were to hunt, but fishing with a long rod got in the way today. Even nicer tomorrow and Monday. Unless I get a call, the roosters are safe for the rest of the season. Walleyes better hide though.
  7. reddog

    Warm up coming!!!!

    Fishing was a bust. Only 2 keepers Monday and couldn't get on the ice Tuesday because the Corps raised the river 30 inches overnight. Took Breez (cancer dog)out for a short 15 acre walk Monday afternoon. Several hens early, then she locked up at the end of a patch of cover. I waded in. 1st...
  8. reddog

    Neutered Male...

    I've got a 7 year old neutered male and a 13 year old intact female. Mother and son. Mother has terminal cancer and not long on this side. Quality of life is still good, but untreatable. No pain. She must be having some kind of cycle as twice this week they have hooked up. Never when I'm...
  9. reddog

    Warm up coming!!!!

    Heading to Chamberlain Sunday to ice fish and bird hunt for Monday and tuesday.
  10. reddog

    Kennel ideas (Would you have freestanding Kennel or attach to shop?)

    We just moved into our 45x69 shop and this is what I did. Porta kennel storage above and room for chargers, collars,whistles etc. Double spring loaded aluminum doors from Deer Creeek go outside to kennel run. Dogs have free roam of shop, but prefer being in their kennel.
  11. reddog

    REAL South Dakota 2021 review.

    I pretty much agree with almost everything youre saying, with the exception of any warm season grass and forb planting that is able to withstand invasion of brome and reeds canary if its damp. Without some kind of suppression in place, whether thats fire, or a early or late application of...
  12. reddog

    REAL South Dakota 2021 review.

    I hunted for 90 minutes on Friday. 5 hens. 1 rooster. Then I went fishing. 20 minutes and a limit. Saturdays limit took 15 minutes.. :)
  13. reddog


    Shorthair ran into one on the Brule res a few years ago. Its definitely not fun if it happens..
  14. reddog

    October 16- today.... reports?

    Lots of hayed ditches and fields, but private and public. Honestly, it didn't appear to have great hay conditions to begin with as the stuff that didn't get hayed is extremely sparce and barely hunt able in a lot of spots. ( west of Mitchell, east of River) crops are coming out fast, or gone...
  15. reddog

    SD Resident Opener Reports?

    adding to my post. I seen three pheasants hit on the road thru my travels last weekend .. One east of Mitchell on I90. One North of Montrose, and one between Humboldt and Hartford but North.. :)
  16. reddog

    SD Resident Opener Reports?

    I hunted a short stint in Saturday. Got 3 nice points on hens in the Chamberlain area. Drove to Presho on Sunday morning scouting 45A deer. Hunted about 2 hours out there and like the day before, 4 points, all hens. Did not see many hunters. Man. Is it wet at Presho and looks to be more...
  17. reddog

    Grass Awn's - DEADLY for your dog

    Timely to bring this to the top. Thanks for the reminder. I made a conscious decision to enter a new CRP field late in the day which was warm and almost lost my Breez dog. If not for the timely intervention of a vet who recognized the symptoms right away I'm pretty sure she would not have...
  18. reddog

    Phez appetizers

    I dry rub then grille to finish. Let cool, run thru a meat grinder along with a onion. Then add mayo or salad dressing, and some pickle relish till it has a texture of a pate. Serve with Club crackers. There won't be any leftovers..
  19. reddog

    Relocation opportunity

    Or Chamberlain, midway between the two. Easy to get to birds, and the water is smaller to navigate if you have a boat. Easy drive to Pierre if you want bigger water and fish.
  20. reddog

    Report Yesterday

    Spent 3 days at the Chamberlain cabin over the weekend. Seen 1 rooster Thursday night driving in north of Puwana. Seen or heard nothing all day at the cabin on Friday detailing the boat for the upcoming season. Got up early Saturday and had coffee on the patio. Nothing. Left for Murdo about...