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  1. D

    Grass Awn's - DEADLY for your dog

    Years ago my Yellow lab Drake inhaled a grass seed during a 5 day Kansas hunting trip. Roughly 10 days after the trip a softball size lump suddenly appeared on his side. I brought him my vet as soon as the lump appeared. Thankfully the vet was experienced with hunting dog related injuries and...
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    How's the season so far?

    Buddy and I are leaving next week for 4 days. Hoping for a repeat of this! From a couple years ago.
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    North Central Kansas Advice

    IF your hunted for 2.5 days and only had one shot at a rooster....Guess what. That's a tough hunt!
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    North Central Kansas Advice

    Sounds likes it was a tough hunt. I have one more tripped planned this year. Not sure were to go at this point.
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    I haven't hunted that area in several years. Hated to see all the bails of rotten hay from the past years of bailing still piled along buildings and roads. Each year they rot and get smaller is size. Its a drought!....We need more hay they say! Bailing and grazing was even allowed on some of...
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    Opening Week

    That’s sounds like a great 5 days. Exhausting but fun! Let’s see some pictures!
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    Today’s results

    Nice looking black lab....A pointer friend told me " Labs don't point" Then I had to show him. ;-)
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    UPH Hunt in South Dakota

    George I will be up with another guy Nov 9 -13. I met you several years ago. I will PM you.
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    Lots of miles...few birds

    Started off in Rush County this morning. Found the cover to short due to the lack of rain maybe. By the end of the day we ended the hunt near Webster lake west of Osborne . Found the cover to be much nicer. Only found one field with standing milo. Lots of hunter with a couple phez and a few...
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    help in Greene or Boone county

    I was hunting Christmas eve at snake creek marsh. I may have dropped my dog collar remote in the parking lot. Tri tronics pro 500 ,old canister type. It's in a orange lanyard. Snake creek marsh is 2 mile north of Rippey or 5 miles South of Grand Junction. On HW P46. I was parked in the larger...
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    Story County\Webster City area hunt anyone?

    Headed to the inlaws this weekend. I'm planning on pounding some public on Saturday to get away. Shoot me a pm if your interested in joining me. Later
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    Birds all over the place... Just a few miles NE of

    Well.. Don't get me wrong I love lurking on this forum and have met a few good folks. What I hate seeing from this forum is a guy posting in detail were they hunted and how many birds they saw. We stayed in xxx town and only hunted public. I personally feel thats something you could share in a...
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    My YELLOW LAB also points (pics)

    Had back surgery a few weeks ago and was inspired by recent post to start tunning up my dogs for my SD duck and pheasant hunts...Walking on unlevel ground is still hard on my back so i have been doing yard work.
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    What a great SD hunt

    Well...I'm mostly at lurker on this cite thought I'd get out of the closet and share some pictures from my hunt last week...Two guys 26 birds in 4 1/2 days of hunting mostly public land. What a great time.
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    If you love your Brittany

    Check out this cool belt buckle....Really I found in at a Gun show last week. Thought I would throw it out to the Brittany owners. I think its pretty cool.