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  • Hello: My name is Steve Mulherin. You were suggested as a good source. I lost my springer to cancer this summer. So, I'm looking for a new partner. I'm 71 and not interested in a puppy. I'd like to find a started dog male or female that will be a good meat hunter and an house, family member. I'd appreciate any leads. My phone number is 804 514 1393. Thanks
    Az hunter
    check out some of the springer rescue organization
    Check Facebook hunting posts. working with a buddy in Oklahoma to find him a springer (started or young dog). I will say that you can check Craigslist as well, under community and all for sale, English springer rescue they don’t typically advertise hunting dogs. I have to springers currently with about 1/4 field spaniel in them. Good prey drive, not so much as to overwhelm when at home.
    Sorry I never get these messages it seems. 320-219-2081
    Hey Ken, been missing you on the forum. Hope life isn't getting too complicated.

    Take care. Someday, I'd like to talk with you.
    I had a lot going on, lymes, then covid, then trying to learn this site. My website crashed all sorts of things. Now getting rotator cuff surgery for a fall I took. I go in for that November 12th LOL. No hunting this fall will suck.
    Can you send me the contact info on the owners of the 2 females that are bred? Thanks.
    Sorry I never replied. I did not get notifications to this message area after he redid the forum. Ken
    Hi FCS Springer,

    I am swamped the past few weeks with the break from wet weather. Trying to get all the orchard replants in so I don't have to put them in cold storage which I don't really want to do.

    Unfortunately I've spent little time with him lately due to my schedule but in a week or so I should have a nice break coming. My email address is rgranel@yahoo.com

    I am in the Newman/Gustine area. That is north of Los Banos, east of Merced and Southwest of Modesto/Turlock. Those are the larger metro areas I frequently drive to.
    Your dogs sure look nice. I'm not ready for another quite yet, but I will keep you in mind for sure when mine gets a little older.
    Hi Ken,

    I'm looking for a friend of a friend who is a County Sheriff & just lost a field-bred ESS narcotics dog. Qualifications are high prey drive & less than 14 months. Any leads would be appreciated.


    Dave Flint
    Hey Ken, I'm not finding the right female to breed chase with. So I am looking for a pup. Do you have anything coming up? I usually Like to have 2nd to third pick since I know the sire and dam owners get first and second. let me know as I would like one between Jan thru may. Thanks alot. John.
    Hey FC, Please contact David Miller at CZ USA he is the guy you want to talk to about sponsoring stuff and he is a springer guy too! Hey can be emailed at dave@cz-usa.com and please cc me as well. rich@cz-usa.com.

    Hi FCSspringer - another board member suggested I contact you. I am looking to purchase a Dogtra 2500 for my golden. Are you a dealer for this model? Do you recommend it?

    Brian Basile
    FC-We have one of your Mn judges out here this weekend. Kevin Rutherford, Any idea what he likes in a springer? Hopefully Chase will be up for the trial. As he took off on a retreive and came back limping today. Any inside scoop on how I should handle the dogs for Kevin might help. Thanks Springerchaser.
    I know I heard it for two years abount not having the water test done. But they were always in July or august when the fish were biting on the ocean. Riley is out of Jeff Miller's Solar and Gary Davis female sis,which was a littermate to a dog scout that I got a FC with. Scout got me hooked on trials as I took both the first in the Am and the open on the same weekend. And that was the first time I did the all age.That will never happen again I'm sure.
    Yes I am running my fast track dog chase in the open and my other dog riley in the a mateur. Should have done chase in the amateur also but mostly working on finishing his FC now,he has 2 seconds in the open so far.
    Happy birthday FCSpringer, I pray you have a great day!! Good hunting to ya this year as well!!
    John I did not let Browning know, did not think of that quite frankly. I did let the new owner know, and he was hunting with me when it happened in fact. I don't know what it was, the safe was on and they were very hard to push to fire too, as it would snap over instead of a quiet push. All I know is it was the last shot I fired from that gun and the last Browning I have owned. I tried some OU's when I went that way but none fit me so I had to settle for a foreign job.
    Wow...your bng gold went off all by itself? Hard to believe! Did you report this to Browning? At one time the safety would move to the center and render the gun inoperable. Am I glad you reported this!!

    It is still managable, but public land is cleared out for the most part. There are some with birds in them, but most are on private land. Better to ask to get in some of that when you find them. But walking is not bad.
    U are up in the alex area? I hunt mainly sw but have hunted up there, is there to much snow on the ground for it to be a pain in the u know what for the dogs to work?
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