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  • I sent you a message yesterday but it got erased so now Happy Belated Birthday! Hope that you had a good one.
    Well the 1st and second serries will go then the pups after the 2nd series of the amateur. That may be on sunday, depends on how things go. If we are done early, we will have it Sat. But best guess, and just a guess, is Sun. There is 64 dogs.
    Ken, do you have any guess about the order of the trial this weekend? My wife and kids have something they need to go to on Sunday afternoon, and we're trying to figure out if we should drive two cars up this weekend. If it's still up in the air that's fine.... See you in a few days, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's dogs running this weekend.

    I'm curious, did you ever get any of the hearing protection products you were looking at a few weeks back? If so, how are they working so far?
    I would love to know more about the cocker trials as well as the spaniel hunt tests. Awhile back I was in contact with someone from the G.L.A.C.S.H.E. , but everytime since I've visited their website there has been nothing updated. I'm in the ceentral part of the state but I'd travel a bit to get into that sort of thing. I appreciate the help.
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