End of shooting hours,? for evening hunters

Can't remember the last time I hunted up to the closing me, has to have been a few decades ago. I will usually unload once I have my 3 and make use of the sling on my shotgun at that time. I am in Iowa, quite doubtful I will come across anything that must be shot...and my shells are still only in my pocket if needed. GIM, you MN fellas have all the fun stuff!
If you gift them to someone who doesn't live at the same address as you, you have to fill out information on a sheet of paper for them to keep, as proof of the gift.

Huh? I've been donating cleaned, vaccuum sealed birds to family and friends for 25 years without this documentation you speak of.
Huh? I've been donating cleaned, vaccuum sealed birds to family and friends for 25 years without this documentation you speak of.
We won't tell if you don't. ;)

There is a small blurb in the regulation booklet, but the full meal deal is here:



Subpart 1.​

Requirements for receipt of gifted animals.​

Lawfully taken protected wild animals may be transferred by gift. Unless otherwise provided by this part, the donor must prepare a receipt containing the following information and give it to the recipient at the time of transfer:


name and address of donor;


name and address of recipient;


date of transfer;


description of gift, including number and species; and


license number under which the animal was taken, or, if acquired by the donor other than by taking, a description of how the animal was acquired.

Subp. 2.​

Retention of receipt with gift.​

Lawfully taken protected wild animals and their parts may be acquired by gift. Unless otherwise provided by this part, the recipient of these animals may possess them only if a receipt has been received from the donor and retained in possession as described in this part.

Subp. 3.​

Gift by members of same household.​

A receipt is not required if both the donor and the recipient are members of the same household and the transferred animal is stored in that household.

Statutory Authority:​

MS s 97A.505


18 SR 83

Published Electronically:​

June 11, 2008
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Reactions: gim
We won't tell if you don't. ;)

There is a small blurb in the regulation booklet, but the full meal deal is here:



Subpart 1.​

Requirements for receipt of gifted animals.​

Lawfully taken protected wild animals may be transferred by gift. Unless otherwise provided by this part, the donor must prepare a receipt containing the following information and give it to the recipient at the time of transfer:


name and address of donor;


name and address of recipient;


date of transfer;


description of gift, including number and species; and


license number under which the animal was taken, or, if acquired by the donor other than by taking, a description of how the animal was acquired.

Subp. 2.​

Retention of receipt with gift.​

Lawfully taken protected wild animals and their parts may be acquired by gift. Unless otherwise provided by this part, the recipient of these animals may possess them only if a receipt has been received from the donor and retained in possession as described in this part.

Subp. 3.​

Gift by members of same household.​

A receipt is not required if both the donor and the recipient are members of the same household and the transferred animal is stored in that household.

Statutory Authority:​

MS s 97A.505


18 SR 83

Published Electronically:​

June 11, 2008
I unload my gun at the end of shooting hours and walk out to my vehicle.

Zombies, bigfoot and aliens do not exist. I have no fears of coyotes or raccoons, etc.

My amygdala must not be as easily stimulated as some of yours.

I do not want a ticket for hunting after hours, especially when hunting out of state.
In Montana you can hunt upland till a half an hour after sunset. Which is pretty damn dark. So I guess goose is probably safe. 😃
We won't tell if you don't. ;)

There is a small blurb in the regulation booklet, but the full meal deal is here:



Subpart 1.​

Requirements for receipt of gifted animals.​

Lawfully taken protected wild animals may be transferred by gift. Unless otherwise provided by this part, the donor must prepare a receipt containing the following information and give it to the recipient at the time of transfer:


name and address of donor;


name and address of recipient;


date of transfer;


description of gift, including number and species; and


license number under which the animal was taken, or, if acquired by the donor other than by taking, a description of how the animal was acquired.

Subp. 2.​

Retention of receipt with gift.​

Lawfully taken protected wild animals and their parts may be acquired by gift. Unless otherwise provided by this part, the recipient of these animals may possess them only if a receipt has been received from the donor and retained in possession as described in this part.

Subp. 3.​

Gift by members of same household.​

A receipt is not required if both the donor and the recipient are members of the same household and the transferred animal is stored in that household.

Statutory Authority:​

MS s 97A.505


18 SR 83

Published Electronically:​

June 11, 2008
What a crock!
I typically unload my gun as shooting time ends. Whether that's for waterfowl or upland or deer. If a critter encounter requires me shooting after sundown I'll just draw my glock.

You cant have your glock while waterfowl hunting, not even with a permit.
You can pick up 3, I guess there is no limit to how many you can leave in the cattails.
That brings up a good point. There was a time I was all about limits in hand…. As I have gotten older I count the unrecoverable birds towards my limit. Coyotes have to eat too.

BTW I like to be out of the field before it gets too dark.
Speaking of limits, I just now found out that SD increase Sharp-tailed Grouse (and prairie chicken and ruffed grouse) to end of January this season too! If it was posted on here, I missed it. Might be those SD boys trying to keep some grouse to themselves!

The reason I found out is because I just got my 3 roosters and was doing some scouting. 2 dozen grouse got up and landed a couple hundred yards away. I checked, wondering if the season went all the way to end of Dec or earlier and was shocked to see January 31st 2025 listed. I have a work phone call in 40 minutes, so I am going to sit tight, and then Honey and I are going grousing!
Why wouldn't you just use your 12 gauge?

I keep mine loaded in case I encounter a zombie, bigfoot, or aliens. There's lots of bad things out there that want to take you out.
Glock has light. And optic. And 16 bullets designed to stop threats. Shotgun has...birdshot.
You cant have your glock while waterfowl hunting, not even with a permit.
Be more specific, because as a blanket statement, that's false.
I am with GIM...shotgun or pistol. Anything within 15 yards with a 12 gauge, even with 6 shot, will be plenty lethal. Outside of 15 yards, is it really a threat? I used to shoot a few coyotes when bird hunting, anything in the 15-20 yard range was DOA using pheasant loads. Don't under estimate the power of a shotgun. Really, who and why would you carry a pistol bird hunting? Seems like a very unnecessary piece of gear to carry....unless you are that guy that always has a concealed weapon on their person....wantabe special forces guy.
I am with GIM...shotgun or pistol. Anything within 15 yards with a 12 gauge, even with 6 shot, will be plenty lethal. Outside of 15 yards, is it really a threat? I used to shoot a few coyotes when bird hunting, anything in the 15-20 yard range was DOA using pheasant loads. Don't under estimate the power of a shotgun. Really, who and why would you carry a pistol bird hunting? Seems like a very unnecessary piece of gear to carry....unless you are that guy that always has a concealed weapon on their person....wantabe special forces guy.
I agree. Having said that, If I'm carrying a .410 or 28 sxs. I'm packing. And it's not for protection from 4 legged animals!
Lion and tigers and bears oh my! I use to call fox and coyote alone after dark wearing a red headlight. Very affective but always had the unsettling feeling something was coming in behind me. I soon got a partner and that feeling went away.
Us waterfowlers know what shooting time is to the minute and that changes daily. as you know you can shoot a half hour before sunrise. Ducks are notorious for landing in the decoys 10 minutes before shooting time and leaving in 5 minutes before.
Glock has light. And optic. And 16 bullets designed to stop threats. Shotgun has...birdshot.

Exactly. And if a threat is coming at you, you aren't going to convince me that a handgun is a better option than a shotgun. Ever.

Really, who and why would you carry a pistol bird hunting?

Insecure individuals.

I respect the right for someone to carry a handgun if they have the permit for it but doing so when you're already carrying a more powerful weapon is dumb. Standard handgun range is about 15 feet. Shotgun range is about 40 yards, which is about 120 feet. So which one is the better option again? Its just simple physics.
Yeah I with gimruis...I had a buddy that used to carry his pistol fishing with me in my boat no less. Some of these extreme pistol dudes make me nervous.