2023/2024 Pheasant Hunting Videos

I upload my videos to YouTube and then paste the link here. Do you have videos on your phone? If so, you could download the YouTube application and upload directly from your phone. Just a thought.
Sage is in great shape for 9.5.My lab just turned 10.She did an awesome job on that runner.Great video.
Close to road hunting? Let's go to the replay.
  • Driving the backroads home.
  • Gun uncased in the front seat.
  • Loaded.
  • Eyes scanning the ditches for movement.
100% fair chase ditch parrot. You are now an honorary member of the 2023 Jump Out Boys gang.
We SD boys can't help it. We're born pre-wired to road hunt as God intended.
Close to road hunting? Let's go to the replay.
  • Driving the backroads home.
  • Gun uncased in the front seat.
  • Loaded.
  • Eyes scanning the ditches for movement.
100% fair chase ditch parrot. You are now an honorary member of the 2023 Jump Out Boys gang.
Thumbs down
We're born pre-wired to road hunt
It really should not be called this. The pheasants are not "on the road." They're in the ditch. Ditch hunting is a much more accurate term.

Its like saying you're hunting the railroad. They're not actually on the tracks. They're in the cover next to it.
Whatever you call it, its a bonus fun way to get another chance at a bird. 100 yards off the road is not really road hunting. I wish we had birds moving around as I scope out public land like that in Minnesota.
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So you assume- hammer down at sunset and you'll catch em out in the open all over the place in SD. You just have to pick out the gravel along with the lead when you clean them.

I thought about getting a gopro too late this year but I'll work on it and post my own videos next opener. Wonder how it looks on a shotkam when you can see the fire coming out the end of the barrel?
When you shot the double, did I miss the part where you pick up one of the birds? I only saw the one that Sage had to trail for a bit after he fell.

At 5:35, I was walking up to where Sage found the first bird and I saw the second bird trying to beat feet. I grabbed the first one off the ground and put him in my vest quick and went to "help" Sage find the second one.
A couple nice shots to open the season GH! For Sage it looks like the "riding a bike" analogy! I hope my young dog hasn't forgot, my buddy lost his GSP a month ago, so Gus will have to carry the load by his self this season. We still have 10 days until the Iowa opener.