Looking for a black lab puppy.Not paying more than 500.


Well-known member
Will never be in a cage, will get thousands of hunting hours.Will ride up front on the bench seat next to me always, will retrieve hundreds of birds.Never outside unless hunting, or walks, or lying in grass. Exceptional family treated.
For black lab pups with genetic testing of parents so absolutely certain no genetic problems like EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse)
and radiological testing of both parents for hip and elbow Displasia, the typical cost is over $1,800 for a pup in most markets.
For black lab pups with genetic testing of parents so absolutely certain no genetic problems like EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse)
and radiological testing of both parents for hip and elbow Displasia, the typical cost is over $1,800 for a pup in most markets.
Yes, but in my case, a person should fill privileged to give me a puppy.
Go to the pound.
My dogs love their crates. They prefer to be in them when they sleep, they are supposed to, they are a denning animal. And don't say never. My dog just had tight rope surgery 2 weeks ago this Tuesday. Had she not been properly crate trained, the recovery would be horrible. Not crate training your dog is a major mistake. And letting the dog ride up front is the same as not putting a child in a car seat.
My dogs love their crates. They prefer to be in them when they sleep, they are supposed to, they are a denning animal. And don't say never. My dog just had tight rope surgery 2 weeks ago this Tuesday. Had she not been properly crate trained, the recovery would be horrible. Not crate training your dog is a major mistake. And letting the dog ride up front is the same as not putting a child in a car seat.
For $500 you might get a backyard breeding that may produce a decent hunting dog but low chance of a great dog and higher than normal chance of health problems Pay the extra $1000 for a pup with genetics and health guarantee. Amortized over the life of the pup it is less than $100 yr which you will probably spend in increased vet bills
For $500 you might get a backyard breeding that may produce a decent hunting dog but low chance of a great dog and higher than normal chance of health problems Pay the extra $1000 for a pup with genetics and health guarantee. Amortized over the life of the pup it is less than $100 yr which you will probably spend in increased vet bills
Not for sure why you are telling me this, I am not looking for a dog. When I do buy one, I buy one from 2 titles parents with all health clearances. Paid $4500 for my last dog.
It's not terribly hard to find a black male left over in a solid breeding for $800-ish that the breeder couldn't sell.
For $500 you might get a backyard breeding that may produce a decent hunting dog but low chance of a great dog and higher than normal chance of health problems Pay the extra $1000 for a pup with genetics and health guarantee. Amortized over the life of the pup it is less than $100 yr which you will probably spend in increased vet bills
Come on now.All my labs have been around 300 dollars, and all excellent bird dogs. The key is, to hunt a lot.you don't have to train, just hunt.They learn on the fly.
Come on now.All my labs have been around 300 dollars, and all excellent bird dogs. The key is, to hunt a lot.you don't have to train, just hunt.They learn on the fly.
I know a fellow down in Oklahoma that had a nice litter that sold for $500. He still has a female left that he started. She is probably around 6 or 7 months now. Nice looking dogs. Pointing lab lines. She is black.
You pay 4500 because you can’t train
Now you are quoting goosemaster. I paid $4500 because I work and don't have time to devote to a puppy. I have trained all my dogs myself. FF, CC, OB, all the way to advanced training. I just have to commute to school every day now and have 6 grand kids. No time for a puppy so I bought one from Riverview Farms. I also recommended them to another on the forum and he got a puppy from them as well. https://riverviewfarm-kennel.com/
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Come on now.All my labs have been around 300 dollars, and all excellent bird dogs. The key is, to hunt a lot.you don't have to train, just hunt.They learn on the fly.
# of websites. Gun dog central or gun dogs online are a couple you might check
I agree with those above. $500 would get you a decent backyard dog 30 years ago, but things are different now. All of the problems listed are true things for labs and a $500 breeder is probably not going to have that all checked out. In fact, you could make the case that a $500 breeder should not be selling dogs. That is one reason why we have the problems we do today. I have seen all of those problems in other's dogs and it sucks, especially something like Exercise Induced Collapse. Carrying a dog out of the field and dealing with it is not fun. And bad hips can be avoided with good breeding and is not good. And I would hope that you are good owner or else I wouldn't want you to get one of my dogs. In fact, many breeders research the buyers before they sell. I got a new lab 3 years ago, a real hard charger, probably best dog I have had and I have had some good ones, and the breeder did his homework on me before selling. I Paid $2000 plus another $1800 to start her for 3 months of training at 1 year of age. And I would pay twice that if I knew beforhand the kind of dog I was going to end up with. Great family dog and she is calm in house and a good traveller. But when hunting a switch comes on and she hunts like a machine...the terminator!! I also agree with training your dog to be in a crate. You will be glad anytime that dog needs to be kenneled or transported. I sometimes ride my dog in back of truck, along with other dogs when there are 3 or more of us hunting and traveling and no room for crates, but other than that she is in a crate. At the house they prefer the crate and if I don't have one out for them they will often get underneath the coffee tables or other places with overhead cover and sides. I have seen dogs that were not crate trained break out of trucks trying to get to a blind where we were shooting waterfowl. That is a real PITA and the dog risks getting hurt or even killed by getting trapped in the topper door or side windows. And when the dog is a complete muddy mess do you really want it on the front seat with you and friends/SO/kids? You don't always have to use the crate, but it is good to train them to use it.
$4500 for puppy

That’s as crazy as paying $500
Not really, litters that command this kind of price tag usually have a BIG waiting list.