Yuma/Holyoke Area


Active member
While I was shoveling snow in Aurora this morning I was wishing I was out hunting. Based on the predictions, we postponed our hunt until Saturday---and as of a few minutes ago, now until Sunday. It looks like Homeboy confirmed how bad the conditions were today--whiteouts, roads closed, big winds.

How much snow did they get in the Holyoke and Yuma areas?

Hopefully, everyone who went out is getting back safely with their pups. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
The pup and I went out spent about 4 hrs out in some of the coldest weather I have ever hunted in, we saw plenty of birds knocked down one missed one had to give up though just to cold. I have been home for about 4 hrs and my hands are still numb, I headed out east towards Burlington to some WIHA out that way roads were not too bad there were a few times I thought I would find the roads ahead closed due to blowing snow but never happened, thank God, and we made it home. Good luck to anyone brave enough or should I say crazy enough to go out there!! :)
We hunted yesterday. Started near Holyoke, and after seeing the stormtrack on TV, made our way south. Wasn't much snow then, just a dusting, but blowing all over. We didn't hit real snow until just near DIA (we looped down to hwy 36, knowing I76 would be a mess). Sounds like they got a few inches overnight into this morning, though. TOmorrow would be good, I would think...snow cover, supposed to be decent (albeit cold) weather and most people will be nursing hangovers and not hunting.

Birds were jumpy, as expected. One in the bag, 4-5 other roosters flushed out of range and 12-15 hens.
My dog and I hunted Julesburg area on Thursday jumped about 20 birds throughout the day all in wheat, missed one. All were jumping and running wild. I am glad that I took my ski goggles as it was quite a blizzard. Winds were said to be blowing up to 40. Spent a cold night in the camper and left Holyoke Friday morning for home with a worn out dog.
well we all got the moisture we have been waiting for. The birds numbers are beyond phenomenal. We had three groups of friends. All of us hunting in smaller groups. Easy limits both days. Seen monster groups sizes very consistently. Today they were moving from cover to feed to cover to feed all day no real pattern. Good luck to all who come. No reason to not have success. Unless u cant shoot. LOL :10sign:
Did you shoot up all my ground? I hope to get out there in the next couple days, would be nice to get on some of those that have been flushin wild all season. I do know where they are just havnt been able to get at em.
Being a rookie on the forums: I was taking that guess. It's been about 3 weeks since I have been out and I'm starting to wonder how hard the walk-in areas were pounded since the hollidays.
How much snow fell out that way?
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I hunt almost all private. I did bust a group of birds coming out of stubble. After we shot they started coming out of wia on the opposite side of the road. Alot of the Wias I went by today hadnt had anyone in them. I seen one group of out of towners. The areas I hunted today I didnt really see anyone. Yesterday I we really didnt see anyone. But with the snow blowing the way its was could of missed a bunch of people.
We recieved roughly 4-6 inches. most of the snow is blown in the ditches. Roads are clear. You get away from the edges of the roads the cover is pretty nice to walk in the snow is still soft. The drifts are hard so dont think u can drive through em if they appear deep. Stuck my truck today.
Thanks engpointerman and cowdog. Both of you gentlemen seem very respectful.
epm: sorry the truck got stuck: hopefully the situation is corrected.
Happy New Year to both of you!
Busta Wooster,
No problem. The truck is out. LOL we had our limit and decided to take the shortcut road home. Next time I will drive around. Had some time to kill waiting on the tractor to come get us so there may have been a few refreshments and laughter.:cheers:
I think I'm going to have to change my name to cranky dude: after reading your last post epm I went to the beer fridge and I am fresh out. This is not a good way to start the year. Guess I'm the one that's stuck now.
Sounds like you're cleaning house this year EPM. I hunted Phillips county Thursday and ran into a lot of birds. Most were still flushing wild; I couldn't believe it. Saw a ton of hens and managed to smack a few roosters. I bet today would have been great!