"Your Stupid Dog"


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That's what I got when I answered my cell phone about 30 minutes before a school Board meeting. "Your stupid dog just ran out the gate and he wouldn't listen to me" said the angry spouse. "He just flew around the corner and down the hill and disappeared" she added.

Note: this is the little adopted shorthair 'Colt' that I picked up a few weeks ago. So I load up and run out to the house and there's no sign of him. Go back to the meeting as "the she devil" glares at me because I make her look for Colt. An hour later I get this text..."your stupid dog has been quartering the field for an hour and is now on point and won't move". My reply...GOOD DOG! :thumbsup: He's got potential! He was in the yard when I got home.
Good dog! :p
Dogs can be trained (unlike spouses.). Another reason I'm still single & happy after all these years . . . and to echo: Good Dog!
You can train spouses.....just got to get them before they are domesticated!!!:D

Good Dog!!!
I get the "your stupid dog" when he's done something bad, or won't mind her. Such as "Your stupid dog tracked mud all over the house". OR "Your stupid dog ran away today". I'll ask where he ran to and all he's done is make a couple rounds around the yard before coming in when she called and called.

Then she'll ask why he doesn't mind her and my reply "What have you done to make him know he has to mind you?", which never goes over well. I don't know why people who didn't have anything to do with training expect the dog to mind them.

Or "He won't come to me". I tell her the command is "Max here", always say his name first. I'll hear her later telling him to "come Max". His head whips around when he hears me say his name and chooses to ignore her a lot.

Then he's "my buddy" when he's being good around the house.

I think I'm fortunate if they're getting along over half the time.
Your right...on a cool evening last week, with the fireplace crackling, and a movie on...'Colt' had become 'Little Darlin' while curled up on the couch with the misses...
At least it turned out well Jim! There have been worse ends. If you have dogs long, you will get a number of these stories with dog names attached. Windy was one of those dogs that could open her own gate. I had heard the dogs going off, but didn't think to go check. Went out at end of day and there are dog tracks everywhere in the snow. Now I check, no Windy. Search until dark and call for friend to help. Start canvassing the area. Go to check with neighbor across very busy highway. Don't get door knocked on before I hear barking. End up wandering out onto the wildlife area with flashlight only to find Windy on an island in the middle of the river. Not going to COME in the dark. Waded out and leashed her. Skunk notch already on her completed list. Added snap to the gate latch to prevent round 2. I don't know how many times she crossed the highway while loose. A lot worse ends were options. Glad you got your pup back. Wife will keep this one in the "you owe me" column for future use.
I caught my Wife giving Woodster a hug and BIG kiss the other day. :eek::rolleyes:
I got an ultimatum from an ex girl friend before "Me or your stupid dog" lol. She couldn't have made the decision easier if she tried, "Well, there's the door".:D
Gosh I feel sorry for some of you guys. I guess I'm lucky as my wife loves dogs as much if not more than I. There are times when it's very cold out that we have 5 big dog crates set up in my living room and both of us are running dogs in and out of the house for potty breaks.

I will say that she was happy that I installed hound heaters in the pointers dog houses so they can stay out all winter. But, my lab didn't get one so right now she is in the house because it got down to like 20 degrees the other night and I didn't wanna put hay in the house just yet as it will warm back up.

That was 2 nights ago and the lab right now is asleep on the floor at my feet. I think she may get an extended stay in the house, especially since she went to Academy Sports yesterday and bought the dog a huge bed to sleep on.