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Hey All,
I have a llewellin setter that is 16 months old right now. She was like any other high drive puppy when younger when it comes to nipping and playing rough. I worked with her when she was younger and thought I had curbed her intense nippy rough play awhile back. Just recently she has started this again once in awhile only when in the yard, really hyped and excited. I'm guessing this is just normal young dog stuff and she thinks she got her big girl pants on now and is testing us but wanted to see what you all think. This is my first bird dog and all is going great otherwise. Any suggestions on how to handle this period please let me know. I have been just trying to cut play time short before it gets to that level. FYI I am not one to smack my dog to handle this, never have and never plan too.
MNUplander90 Rank: Just A Pup Posts: 6Joined: Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:40 pmLocation: Please ADD LOCATION
I have a llewellin setter that is 16 months old right now. She was like any other high drive puppy when younger when it comes to nipping and playing rough. I worked with her when she was younger and thought I had curbed her intense nippy rough play awhile back. Just recently she has started this again once in awhile only when in the yard, really hyped and excited. I'm guessing this is just normal young dog stuff and she thinks she got her big girl pants on now and is testing us but wanted to see what you all think. This is my first bird dog and all is going great otherwise. Any suggestions on how to handle this period please let me know. I have been just trying to cut play time short before it gets to that level. FYI I am not one to smack my dog to handle this, never have and never plan too.
MNUplander90 Rank: Just A Pup Posts: 6Joined: Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:40 pmLocation: Please ADD LOCATION