Young setter playing rough...


New member
Hey All,
I have a llewellin setter that is 16 months old right now. She was like any other high drive puppy when younger when it comes to nipping and playing rough. I worked with her when she was younger and thought I had curbed her intense nippy rough play awhile back. Just recently she has started this again once in awhile only when in the yard, really hyped and excited. I'm guessing this is just normal young dog stuff and she thinks she got her big girl pants on now and is testing us but wanted to see what you all think. This is my first bird dog and all is going great otherwise. Any suggestions on how to handle this period please let me know. I have been just trying to cut play time short before it gets to that level. FYI I am not one to smack my dog to handle this, never have and never plan too.
MNUplander90 Rank: Just A Pup Posts: 6Joined: Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:40 pmLocation: Please ADD LOCATION
When you say playing rough. Do you mean biting while playing? It sounds like more of a dominance thing than playing. I had my GSP try something similar I held him down by his collar until he gave up and submitted. I haven't had a problem with anything since. He knows who is the boss.
Teach her an EASY command...

I have taught all my dogs EASY. When they hear my give that command in a firm voice, they know to throttle it down a notch whether it is playing with each other, playing with me, taking treats from my hand, or getting close to a bird.

I start by telling them EASY while giving them treats. I will move the treat in very slow, and only allow them to gently take it. If they lunge, I snatch the treat back. When going outside, I give the EASY command so they don't run me over trying to get out.

My GSP and one of my mutts play rough all the time. They bite each others faces, legs and ears. I can hollar EASY at them, and they will start to just nibble at each is pretty funny actually.

This has came in handy a few times this season grouse hunting as well. When chasing a flushed grouse (looking for a reflush) I give her an EASY command when she gets in the area. She automatically slows down and takes it much easier.

When you say playing rough. Do you mean biting while playing? It sounds like more of a dominance thing than playing. I had my GSP try something similar I held him down by his collar until he gave up and submitted. I haven't had a problem with anything since. He knows who is the boss.

X-2 on the above:thumbsup: You do not have to abuse the dog to let them know who the alfa is--but it is critical too both training and the long term relationship

Put in the control now --or you mayregret it forever

Good Luck
Interesting problem. For starters, I would make sure you weren't adding to the problem. If you will keep a more level disposition, usually the dog will as well. Second, give the dog some work to do. If she is left to create the activity, she will. If you present her with a job and require her to do it. Third, no nip goes ignored. I'd keep a chord on her and when she looks to nip, I would give a sharp hiss with a jerk on the chord. If it persists, back in the pen she goes. Be persistent and consistent. Make sure you're the pack leader and you don't have to rough her up to accomplish that. She shouldn't get to do anything until told. When you go out the gate, she comes out when you tell her to. When you release her from her crate, it's not until you tell her to exit. When you feed, she eats when you release her.