Young Champions

Gents, I don't have many friends outside the outdoors world, and I felt the need to share this w/ someone (brag). I read on another site the other day, in a political forum that part of what is wrong w/ America these days is everyone getting something for nothing in youth sports...that is, giving out participation medals to those who fall short and to those who worked hard enough to achieve w/ little/no recognition for rising above the rest. Well, I'm proud to present to you a group of young men that learned about the rewards of hard work this summer. I better avoid the political talk:rolleyes:

congradulations nothing better than hard work and sweat to make a win all worth it thats the other thing wrong with america no one wants to work anymore
yes they do i think we would be rid of the defacite and a few of these overpayed asses if they had to walk a mile in our shoes it would kill them
That is great! I have coached young boys for many years, but now my son is playing Legion Ball, so I don't get to coach him. Really miss that time with the boys on the ball field.

Guess I am going to have to get a new pup so that I have someone to "Coach" :)

Congratulations to all of them :coolpics:
I wouldn't want to do that. Our political views are very similar. We'd get ourselves in trouble.

Great job. It is so rewarding working with kids. Thanks for sharing and most of all congradulations to the Kids.:)
KB, congrats!! Looks like the young man up front is unhappy with his playing time!!!:) :cheers:
Congratulations to all the young men and coaches.

BTW, what field is that?
Congratulations to all the young men and coaches.

BTW, what field is that?

St. George (W of Wamego). It is an all American little league field. I wish I had a better pic looking toward the fence (225ft. maybe) b/c it is surrounded by trees. I'd like to buy the old scoreboard if they ever replace it (just about any old scoreboard if anyone hears of one being sold!).

I think their "edge" was the anti-glare smudges on their cheeks. Well done!
You can tell this was a big deal to these kids. I hate participation trophies. To touchy feely for me. Kids need to learn how to compete. Do you think the chinese give out participation trohies? Good job in helping to give these kids lessons that they will carry throughout their lives.