Yiippeeee!! Doin' Backflips,Somersaults And Grinnin From Ear to Ear


New member
Well I just got back from taking a walk around the place, checking on some apple and wild plums that I'd planted a week or so ago that a friend gave me. Anyway, I was heading back up to the house from the bottom field of NWSG and guess what I saw?
Well I just got back from taking a walk around the place, checking on some apple and wild plums that I'd planted a week or so ago that a friend gave me. Anyway, I was heading back up to the house from the bottom field of NWSG and guess what I saw?

Pray tell what, m'lord? A lass alost of her clothin'? Dogs drinkin' 'o the barrel o' malt?
Turkeys? :D

It's certainly that time of year. I've had 3 rooster sightings and a hen within the last 6 days. Coming from an area with minimal pheasants, I'm even more excited to see what the future brings as I continue working to improve the habitat too. :cheers:
QUAIL! Sorry, I cheated. Saw your post on the QDMA forum :D

I know the proud papa feeling as I had 40 of the little buggers show up last season. Webguy found them on opener and even harvested one.

Cheater cheater pumpkin eater!! Yep, I finally after several years of hard work and spending way to much money on these little devils, I jumped my first covey, albeit only 4 or 5 birds, but I'll take it. When I first moved out here on my grandma and grandpa's farm 20 years ago I had a covey of about 15 or 20 birds right up here by the house in what we always called the old hog lot. Anyway, slowly over the next 4 years or so the birds just went away and I'd never had another covey show up. Sure I'd have the occassional single or maybe even a pair but never anything more then that. I gotta tell ya, it sure was a very very satisfying feeling when I jumped 'em up. Now if I can just keep the little critters alive and multiplying I'll feel a lot better. Who knows, maybe I'll have a covey of 10 or more birds by the end of the year. I also got me a new Solo backpack sprayer in the mail yesterday and I'm just chompin' at the bit to get out there and spray some fescue but with the weather forcast for lots of rain and maybe even some snow on Monday, I guess I'll have to wait a while. Need to get some fescue killed before I plant all the shrubs I've got coming from the MDC nursery in April.:cheers::cheers:
Good news! Do remember not to use herbicide with any residual on the fescue that will kill your shrubs after you plant them. Also, from experience, the more you use the Solo sprayer, the less you'll want to:) It's amazing how it gains weight even as there is less water in it!!! Keep up the good work!
Well luckily Troy I've got a pull behind sprayer that I pull with my 4 wheeler so I use it for the big projects. The solo is more for gettin' into the thickets and nukin' the fescue there. I wish it had a waist strap, I cant believe they sell them without one, pretty damn cheap if you want my honest opinion as a waist strap makes ALL the difference in the world in regards to fatigue on your shoulders. I'll fashion my own before I use it much, I'm sure. As far as residual, I've got some poast plus that I can use or just regular RU. Which would you prefer?
I don't know a thing about Poast, so that leaves me with roundup. If the label on Poast says it won't hurt newly planted shrubs, then the answer is in which one has the best results on Fescue. I've never had the opportunity or need to use Poast, so I'm no good to you on that. Someone here knows though. Guys, can you help Jaytee out?
I'm pretty sure that, any herbicide you can buy without being licensed. Will not have residual. In other words "across the counter stuff"

Oh! and congrats on the birds showing up.