Yet another from Colorado


New member
Been reading this great site for a long time and decided to join. I live near Colorado Springs and have been an avid hunter and fisherman all my life.
I am owned by a good Weimaraner and we make several trips to Kansas each season. Plan on making at least one or two more trips this season. Good luck to you all.
Tucker and I welcome you! Glad you joined! Hope to be hearing from you often! :10sign:

Welcome to UPH, enjoy the forum, we have a good group here, should you need help just ask........Bob
Been reading this great site for a long time and decided to join. I live near Colorado Springs and have been an avid hunter and fisherman all my life.

Thanks for joining Winger. Looking forward to your posts over the next few years. Make sure you post some stories and what's up over there in Colorado.

Welcome Winger, Hope you continue to enjoy the site. Where in Kansas do you like to go?
BleuBijou, Thanks for the welcome. The past three years we have spent most of our time in Norton, Phillips, and some in Smith counties. This year the snow has messed up a couple of our favorite spots so I might try around Ness county next time out. The best hunting I've had this year was by Burlington, CO. An old friend of my brothers called and sayed he had permission to hunt a bunch of private and would we like to go. Man what a blast, lots of birds.

Where do you like to go?
Winger, I hunt mostly in Lane county and a little, right on the Ness Lane line and the Lane Gove line. Used to go out to Atwood, Bird City areas.