

Super Moderator
Has anyone looked at the stats? I just now noticed this:

"Most users ever online was 479, 07-07-2011 at 01:36 PM."

What in the hell was going on July 7 of this year, pheasantgeddon? Must be a glitch! :D
I told all my old girls friends I would be on here at that time. Surprised half of them showed up....:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
It was probably just that a bunch of us had the summertime blues for lack of hunting that day. I am ready for fall myself.
I think Jeff hit it. Just a bunch of "Hunting Hopefuls" looking for something to cure the blues........Bob
It just can't be right. Before it said 6-10-???. If you watch the # of users currently on line, it's never even close to 500 during the summer months.
I let the word out that on that day I would post a pic of me in a suit.:thumbsup:

Not me, I've worn a suit only twice in the last ten years, when my mom died and when my son got married. I'm just a blue jeans and t-shirt kinda guy.

I had a BBQ grill party when I retired--got the guys off for several hours--lol:cheers:
Maybe not the only time I'm on here.....

There are 31 guests visiting our site at 3:43am. I just started getting fired up about the upcoming season b/c there was a lull in the sports schedule; that's why I'm not asleep like normal folk should be. There are apparently 31 other visitors w/ the same problem tonight:thumbsup:
There has been a lot of times I've been on between 2 and 5 a.m. and seen high numbers on here at that time of morning....Phil