Keep'er Movin
New member
I am looking at purchasing a Chief Upland jacket...actually 2. The early season and the mid season. I want to take advantage of the 50 dollars off if you spend 250 but both jackets are out of stock in my size for the blaze orange models. However, the earth tones are in stock which are green and kind of a gun metal color. I use an Orvis strap vest with blaze orange panels on the straps and on the bag/side pouches and an orange baseball cap when I hunt...always! By purchasing the non-blaze orange jackets, I could double dip and use them for hiking/everyday use and I probably would not do so with the blaze jackets (just not a super fan of wearing blaze for everyday use). Would you guys have any hesitation (safety wise) just having blaze orange on your vest and cap? I have 1.5 days to decide till the sale ends. Thanks.