Worth the trip at least


Well-known member
Hunted Sunday, on dads birthday. Four of us on WIHA's where we hunted opening weekend.

A couple hundred yards in have a point on a hen that held solid, then a double handful of birds get up ahead of us as we make the first pass. My shorthair goes on point at the end 20 yards from me and a rooster flushes a few moments later. Of course I try to bend the trigger off of my new to me, formerly grandpas, Model 12, damn small safety button anyways. Oh well, still birds to be seen.

Next field we see a good dozen+ On the first push. One rooster on the edge of range made it through to live another day. Had some more hen points. Then brother in laws lab goes into "holy crap there is something close mode" pounces a few times and rooster 1 is in the bag. Nice retrieve to go with the flush.

It may be 13 degrees, but he was thirsty dang it

Weather was so cold the camera didn't want to work and batteries didn't last for crap. Here is a retrieve off a perfect point. Should have been an easy double, but I short shucked the Model 12 and only got the one. Wanted a closeup as she brought it in but camera refused.

Dad finally got a rooster with his new 16 gauge side by side all by himself. Off a point by my shorthair (and retrieve) no less. I got a single on a wild flusher. Good retrieve by the lab.

That was the end of our shooting. Only saw a few birds after lunch but they were wild. Was encouraged by the number of hens we saw.

Good way to spend your 63rd birthday. For heavily hunted public access birds I was surprised to see some of the birds really hold. Had a couple we had to really dig to get out of the heavy CRP.
Happy Birthday from Dodge. Glad you had a good day. I spent a couple years in the fair town of Frontenac back in the 70's.
That's a very good day for this time of year.

I went with just my dog on Saturday. I hunted mostly private ground that hadn't seen much pressure. Ended up with 3 roosters and 2 quail. 2 of the roosters were only crippled and the dog did a great job finding them.

I should take more pictures...
Wouldn't be without that hat for cold weather. Combined with a decent neck gaiter it really helps keep this ol man hunting. It's been to Colorado elk hunting a couple times as well as cold weather deer hunting here at home. Got a grey one for going to town.
Good stuff.......wish my dad and brother were still around, but we had some real good times hunting and fishing in the day :thumbsup:
All these comments on the Kromers, I regret not packing mine. Very good, warm hats for sure.