Nothing wrong with honesty. Guys who are traveling from far distances rely on truthful posts about conditions and bird numbers. We go fishing to Canada each year to catch 100's of fish. Would we go if the lakes population had a 75% Die off? Not a chance in hell. Birds numbers are down big from most farmers and residents. Each hunting party can make their own decision on whether to go to SD to hunt or not. People saying birds are up, when they are down does not help anybody.
Wow! Hockeybob you just said in a few words what I have been arguing about for a month on this site.
I understand the guys that want to go for the friendships, the vacation, the chance to shoot a wild bird, ect. I'm not saying your stupid to go for those reasons, those are great reasons to go hunting in South Dakota, or anywhere for that matter.
But a lot of people go to South Dakota for the birds. Me included. If there aren't a sh#$-load of birds in South Dakota I'm not paying to go there.
I'm lucky I guess???? where I live in Nebraska still has wild birds, not many but some. I might even shoot my limit once or twice a year here. I go to South Dakota for the 1000's of wild birds, and I love it!
A lot of people on here will attack what I just wrote above, why? I don't know. I'm just being honest, I don't think its fun to walk 4 or 5 miles a day and shoot 3 or 4 times, while paying someone $300 +- a day for the privilege. I can do that at home, right out my back door, for nothing.
I know, I know, all these guys on here will say its all about watching the dogs work, the friendships from years past, the blond with the tight ass in Dallas. I agree with all those things, I love all those things about hunting also, but what I love most about hunting in South Dakota is the birds, the 1000's of birds. And this year the birds are down, a lot.