Wooden dog box

Crossing shot

New member
Building a wooden dog box. Brother-in-law is a carpenter. He says use 7/16 OSB. I think he says that because it's the cheapest.

What type of plywood do you use?
7/16 OSB is a poor choice. Unless you like looking like a cheap redneck from Louisiana and having to rebuild your seriously heavy box repeatedly.

There are many, many different ways to do a wood dog box. I think the easiest to build nice looking not crazy heavy method is 1/2" AC plywood.
Look at baltic birch plywood. It comes in 5x5 sheets. If my math is right you could make it 20x40x40 out of two sheets and add a door kit to it. It'd be sharp!
One tip if you use wood , pre -prime your pieces before you put them together all sides and edges makes a big difference .

Me personally I am on 13th or 14th year on 50 gallon plastic barrels . Very hard to beat , you can order a k-9 condo door kit if you are were it gets real cold .
I like the big box on long trips. Three dogs can stretch out all night long and keep each other warm. Good advice about the primer. I wasn't thinking about primer, just paint.
I used 3/4 birch plywood, it's heavy but can be finished in many different ways I used bedliner for ease of cleaning up if a dog has a accident. It also cuts nice and is easy to work with. All depends on how much you want to spend and what you want it to look like? You can see my threads in this section under Dog Box build and New drawer set up. I used the same plywood for both. Good Luck
Purchased pine plywood. Biggest question left is venting. Seems like it gets hotter every year. Thinking about something on the door that opens/closes. If it's not under $30, would just drill air holes in the box.

Thanks for the help.
I built one out of OSB, looked like crap even painted and didn't last. Threw it away after a couple of years and made one out of 1/2" plywood. Sealed the edges and glued it. Painted it when I was done and it lasted almost 10 years with just a couple coats of paint. I drilled vent holes because that was the only thing i had at the time and it worked just fine. I need to build another one and will try ot find some kind of vent that I can open and close.
