Winter Weather Bunched 'Em in NW


Well-known member
Saw about 120 birds on Saturday in NW. They had about 4" of snow earlier in the week and the weather seemed to have bunched them and made them very hungry for milo. Great hunting.
Thanks for the heads up! Sounds very encouraging, enough for me to give it another go since the deer are all holed up now.
NW Kansas Info

Thinking about making a trip to NW area....Can anyone advise me about winter weather, snow cover or ice....Gonna go solo, just me and the 2 dogs (Storm and Chance ---setters:) Probably hunt 4 -5 days...

Plan to hunt whia and stay at a Motel 6...Does anyone think it would be worth a 10 hour drive oneway??? Normally I hunt south of 70 but all reports appear to be poor despite having a wonderful trip last year at the same time...

Appreciate any advise, PM if you like
The reports of the area we are going to at the end of the week are not real good. But we are going to give it a try.
I am currently in NW after 15 hour drive. Hunting solo with young lab. It is always better being in the field then behind the desk. Can't saying about bird numbers as I just got here.

I got my limit the last two weekends one N of I70 one S of I70. The snow made it great. beware of the crunchy snow the birds will hear you a mile away.
Thinking about making a trip to NW area....Can anyone advise me about winter weather, snow cover or ice....Gonna go solo, just me and the 2 dogs (Storm and Chance ---setters:) Probably hunt 4 -5 days...

Plan to hunt whia and stay at a Motel 6...Does anyone think it would be worth a 10 hour drive oneway??? Normally I hunt south of 70 but all reports appear to be poor despite having a wonderful trip last year at the same time...

Appreciate any advise, PM if you like

going solo with 2 Setters you should have a real good time-
weather could be anything- come prepared
I'd say this is the year for decent running pointing dogs- need to cover a lot of ground- don't be afraid to hunt N & S of I-70

What a great photo! Thanks for posting.
Great picture, I'm afraid to show my Britt the picture, he will start nagging me to head out your way again:thumbsup:
If my eyes are on that looks like a nice superlight too! My favorite field gun, got one in 20 and 12 depending on the occasion.
Leaving tomorrow

Shadow ---Great pics of the dogs --- boss I'm thirsty and tired but had a good time!!!

The truck is loaded except for the dogs,,,,,leaving wednesday morning at 6 am...Heading for Colby....Somewhat concerned about muddy roads after some precip....Plan on hunting for 5 days....:)

Have 4wd, but that can get you struck as well..
BritChaser, if you were able to get any closer to the roosters than we did, please let me know your secret! We saw quite a few birds also, but couldn't get in gun range of very many. That noisy, crusty snow was like a fire alarm to those roosters!:eek:
BritChaser, if you were able to get any closer to the roosters than we did, please let me know your secret! We saw quite a few birds also, but couldn't get in gun range of very many. That noisy, crusty snow was like a fire alarm to those roosters!:eek:

There were a lot of far flushers but enough within range.:D
thanks guys-

carrying water and roosters I needed a break-
hey hey- don't lay down- crap-
oh well- time for a picture- will pick the burs out later

thinking seriously of checking into some dog packs so they can carry their own water- now that would be a picture

there sure aren't many birds around- not very many hunters-
usually quite pleased with good handling Britt's and a few good points-

we just caught a few out in the grass/stuff- sort of tight actually- 28 degrees and a bit windy- but 1/2 mile so game on- point and backs- couple pictures- Shadow was moving his head a bit- sort of figuring he could have almost anything- step in- hen, hen, hen, hen- yikes rooster- hit him a bit hard with 7 shot- little female was bringing him back- got the camera out wanting a picture of her carrying- yikes- cackling rooster comes up- drop the camera swing the little 20- oh oh- did I replace the empty as the barrel and rooster meet
thanks guys-

carrying water and roosters I needed a break-
hey hey- don't lay down- crap-
oh well- time for a picture- will pick the burs out later

thinking seriously of checking into some dog packs so they can carry their own water- now that would be a picture

there sure aren't many birds around- not very many hunters-
usually quite pleased with good handling Britt's and a few good points-

we just caught a few out in the grass/stuff- sort of tight actually- 28 degrees and a bit windy- but 1/2 mile so game on- point and backs- couple pictures- Shadow was moving his head a bit- sort of figuring he could have almost anything- step in- hen, hen, hen, hen- yikes rooster- hit him a bit hard with 7 shot- little female was bringing him back- got the camera out wanting a picture of her carrying- yikes- cackling rooster comes up- drop the camera swing the little 20- oh oh- did I replace the empty as the barrel and rooster meet

Okay SHADOW here ya go. If you buy one you could be the coolest hunter in Kansas

LC- all 3 have them- sometimes we find birds in this field where the coyotes don't like to go- had 2 of them where I was picking little needle type things out of their chests with tweezers- they'll stand for the boots- now to strap them up with boots, Garmins, and backpack- could be right interesting don't ya think
