scott county vizsla
Here in the east-central part of the state we got 10 inches of snow followed up by 8 hours of light rain. The ice crust is up to 2 inches thick, with most places around an inch and I've seen very few birds digging in the fields. We've finally got the bird numbers back up to where I actually expect to get chances each time I go out and it would be depressing to have a major winterkill. I've been driving around a lot the last few days to see where the birds were congregating and marked the locations. I picked up 200lbs of whole corn at theisen's and went around tossing half-full buckets into fence rows and the spots I know birds roost near the road. I've never considered doing this before but with the combination of deep snow, a thick layer of ice, and many of the pheasants I've seen have had ice in their tail, it seemed like the time to help them out a bit. Also, I really like driving around in the winter to view wildlife.