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  • Two things. One I also have a vizsla. The second is what county or town would be worth a shot in SE Iowa. I am coming from Indiana. I have been to a friends private ground near Alpha and just got back from SD. Looking for a shorter drive but not afraid of thick cover and hard walking.
    scott county vizsla
    Most of my hunting is in Clinton county. All public areas do require non-toxic shot, even if not posted. Gun season for deer is the next two weekends, so bring plenty of orange and avoid parcels with trees. Bird numbers are starting to get a little thin with the extra pressure this year, if the weather turns bad that will probably help drive some more birds into the better cover and food plots on the public land.
    Thanks. Looking for one more trip. Any recommended places to stay?
    scott county vizsla
    Super8 in DeWitt is probably your best bet, it's cheap, likely pet friendly, and will put you a lot closer to the public hunting areas than staying in Davenport. There is also an AmericInn in DeWitt.
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