Hey all, just thought I'd give you my impression of this winter. It can be summed up in two words: IT SUCKS!
We're getting hit hard this year, so far the third worst winter in recent memory. We're only about 8 inches away from breaking the 96/97 winter. And guess what? We'll more than likely break it.
We've been getting storms or snow every week for the past month. Seems like clockwork. We just got over one and they are predicting another for this coming week.. The worst part of this year is not so much the snow, it's the wind and cold. With winds in that 30 to 50 mph. We have some major drifts everywhere, some 10 foot in depth. And it's been a rollercoaster with the temps also. One day 30 the next -10. Right now it's -8
Now, how will this effect the bird population. I see a major winter kill here. Most of the cover is gone, drifted in. One cattail slough I go by everyday to work is totally under snow. This slough had cattails 6 to 7 foot tall.....gone now.
The only birds I've seen are in farm yards and the shelter belts around the farmsteads. Our only saving grace.
Looks like we'll be going from winter to summer, I doubt we'll have a nice spring. This of course will effect the nesting. Of course we can only hope, pray and keep our fingers crossed.
Good luck to my fellow North Dakotans..........it's been quite a ride!
Best Regards,
We're getting hit hard this year, so far the third worst winter in recent memory. We're only about 8 inches away from breaking the 96/97 winter. And guess what? We'll more than likely break it.
We've been getting storms or snow every week for the past month. Seems like clockwork. We just got over one and they are predicting another for this coming week.. The worst part of this year is not so much the snow, it's the wind and cold. With winds in that 30 to 50 mph. We have some major drifts everywhere, some 10 foot in depth. And it's been a rollercoaster with the temps also. One day 30 the next -10. Right now it's -8
Now, how will this effect the bird population. I see a major winter kill here. Most of the cover is gone, drifted in. One cattail slough I go by everyday to work is totally under snow. This slough had cattails 6 to 7 foot tall.....gone now.
The only birds I've seen are in farm yards and the shelter belts around the farmsteads. Our only saving grace.
Looks like we'll be going from winter to summer, I doubt we'll have a nice spring. This of course will effect the nesting. Of course we can only hope, pray and keep our fingers crossed.
Good luck to my fellow North Dakotans..........it's been quite a ride!
Best Regards,