Wingworks Vest


Active member
I finally got around to filling out an order form for a Wingworks vest. Got the green light for my birthday. I'm confused about getting the long shell pockets or the short ones. I only hunt pheasants. Does it really make any difference? I am wondering if the short ones stay off your legs better, or is it a non-issue. Appreciate some guidance on that one. Thanks.
i tried one on at pheasant fest and personaly i just didnt really care for the long bags. i also didnt like how the water bottle holsters stuck so far out the side of me, the whole vest just felt HUGE and bulky. the nice thing about a wingworks vest is if you buy it with the long bags and dont end up likeing them you can just buy the grouse bags and belt for 60.00 and swap it out youreself. its a very well made vest, but me? i just didnt like it all that much to fork out 235.00 for it. so my quest for the perfect strap vest drags onward!
I really like the water bottles, and I put another one in the back pocket.
With two dogs I go thru a lot of water if it is hot.

My WW vest is 3-4 years old. I assume I do not have the long pockets.
Overall I really like the WW vests.
I personally like the longer pockets, but I tend to be too over prepared. This year I'm thinking about getting a water bladder to put in the back. The pockets fit on the side of the leg if you get it sized properly. I think they're worth the money, I love mine.
I also like the long shell pockets on mine, and they are really one of my favorite features of the vest. You can tuck the flaps inside the pockets and they are held in place in the bottom of the pockets by velcro. Even with the flaps tucked inside I have never had shells or anything come out of the pockets, even when crawling under fences, throwing the vest in the back seat, etc. I also don't find the long pockets ever getting in my way or restricting my movement. I'd give them a try. It's a very well designed vest. Might be overkill for some, but I like mine.
Sounds good

Thanks for the advice. I'm wearing a pretty cheesy LL Bean Vest now and it's time to step up a bit. I just want to make the right choice so it can be my last vest.
Thanks for the advice. I'm wearing a pretty cheesy LL Bean Vest now and it's time to step up a bit. I just want to make the right choice so it can be my last vest.

It's never your last vest! We always find something new or cool to put our money into. That is what keeps our world going, spend your money, spend your money, spend your money! Do you hear the little demon on your shoulder yet? I love "upgrading" my stuff! After seeing these vests talked about here I looked at their web site, I will probably be buying one in the near future!

Haha, spoken like a true free market guy. I like that attitude. My wife thinks more like a redistributionalist, (not a real word) meaning my money is her money, which leaves less for upgrades. Oh well.
I finally got around to filling out an order form for a Wingworks vest. Got the green light for my birthday. I'm confused about getting the long shell pockets or the short ones. I only hunt pheasants. Does it really make any difference? I am wondering if the short ones stay off your legs better, or is it a non-issue. Appreciate some guidance on that one. Thanks.

Mark, I've had my WingWorks vest for several years. Bought it back when they were $120 through Pheasants Forever. The long pockets were all that were available at that time. I think you would like the long pockets better. You can carry more stuff and don't need to worry about things falling out.

The WW vest if built tough. I can't ever imagine wearing it out. The two large water bottles are nice and easy to return to their holders. The game bag is very easy to load with one hand. something on true of all strap vests. My only complaint is that due to it's stiffness and the water bottles I need to take it off when getting into my vehicle. Otherwise it tends to push me forward. I like it for warm weather but when it gets colder and I don't need all the water on me I usually switch to my Cabelas Upland vest.
You should encourage her the new trend is to be a minimalist. She could try it out for a decade or so and let you know how it works! In the mean time you could get all sorts of upgrades because only she would be the minimalist and you therefore would have more of hers to share with the world, (your world)! I talk big, because my wife knows nothing about what I say on this forum.

Haha, spoken like a true free market guy. I like that attitude. My wife thinks more like a redistributionalist, (not a real word) meaning my money is her money, which leaves less for upgrades. Oh well.