Wing Works Vest

The question though was about wearing it in the truck, and I think most guys with strap vests don't wear them in cars. I usually have to much in my vest to wear it while driving, if I'm on my home turf and not far from home I might use a regular vest and wear it in the car, but not on long hunts those vests kill your back.
Ummm? Maybe because it really, really easy to take off, and it's covered with bird blood, burrs, dust, and all that other crap that I don't want in my truck. Duh. I also put my double gun back in it's case every time.

I mean really? Is it so important to be really, really ready at the next spot that you have to wear your vest? Is your gun in the front seat too? With shells in it?

yes it is :D
That is an interesting thought. I might wear mine to bed tonight and nothing else and see were it gets me. Full report in the morning.

So, guys, I need to know, did this work, seeing as I had a change in plans and instead of going to spend it at a casino, I'll be stopping at the bar. Instead of trying to look like a working man, maybe the hunter look would go better. Moe, pheasantkiller, opinions?:cheers:
I say give it a try VZWMan! If you meet your dream girl while wearing your WingWorks vest she will at least know your true colors. In the area of
South Dakota that I hunt a bloody bird vest is the ticket...the more blood and feathers stuck to it the better. However, in this particular area I don't think that you ever lose your just lose your turn with your girlfriend. Cheers to all I hope that you have a fun and safe New Years Eve.

Better go check on the pheasant leg and vegetable curry. I think this would make a good topic "how many pheasant hunters keep and actually use the legs?" I have some good ideas for those of you who dont keep the legs or don't know how to cook them.
I'm figuring it wouldn't hurt. Haven't shaved in about a week either even though the job says we're at least suppose to keep facial hair neat and trimmed. It can't hurt my chances.