If I've ever had any vitriol in my posts it's not directed at producers - I can't stand Big Ag/ Big Pharma - IE - Monsanto, Dupont, Bayer etc etc.
I may need to make a tin foil hat but do not like it when very few control the food supply at the top which is what we've essentially switched to - I'd guess that's a lot of others issues as well - that or others that have vented don't know where or how to vent their displeasure at the way things are.
Here's an interesting youtuber I've found and have been enjoying his videos. I dont know if he tracks his audience (he's posted a video talking about what he thinks the makeup is) but supposedly farmers and non farmers a like enjoy him.
I may need to make a tin foil hat but do not like it when very few control the food supply at the top which is what we've essentially switched to - I'd guess that's a lot of others issues as well - that or others that have vented don't know where or how to vent their displeasure at the way things are.
Here's an interesting youtuber I've found and have been enjoying his videos. I dont know if he tracks his audience (he's posted a video talking about what he thinks the makeup is) but supposedly farmers and non farmers a like enjoy him.