Whistle count


New member
Went out this morning around 6:30 to do a whistle count and I was pleasantly suprised at the number of quail I heard. I went to 5 different spots and heard quail at 3 of them, and at 2 of the spots I heard multiple quail:thumbsup::thumbsup:Needless to say I'm pretty stoked.:cheers::cheers:
Anybody else got good news concerning whistle counts?
I went out this morning made nine stops heard birds in five of these stops. One stop I heard five differnt calls another three. I will go out a few more times this week. Conditions are perfect for nesting right now, just hope it continues through the summer.
We have been selectively checking areas for wild quail in Pa., with very little luck so far. We have heard some in southern NJ.

Sounds like your doing well!:thumbsup: