The sooner you get over birds flying out the other end, the more enjoyable your hunt is going to be..You cant get them all.. There isnt a dog in the world that knows what to do with 150 pheasants 300 yards from the vehicle with one person, when they start their exodus.
Ive owned/hunted over traditional Black Labs for 3/4 of my hunting lifetime. Loved em back when I hunted waterfowl and upland both. Since my daughters interests in softball, music, cheerleading etc, something had to give. I chose waterfowl.
After I quit WFing, I bought a GSP and ran both the Lab and the GSP, separate at first, and then together as the lab aged, and he couldnt cover as much ground as he used to. At that time, I let the GSP go, and the lab would follow at a loose heel until he heard the beeper collar go off. Then, He would search out the noise. I would keep him at heel, and bump the bird and he would get to retrieve.
Then, 2 years ago in Nov, I got another GSP and had 3 dogs. My Black Lab Buddy died in December of the same year as the second GSP.
I truly enjoy the dogs that I have right now, and anticipate I will have a 3rd GSP by this time next year.
I like what they do. I like the fact that they can run cover and not have to bust cover to know if theres birds in there.
There are places I dont hunt, because of the limitations of knowing where they are, and having to go in there, if they go on point. but for the most part, I dont want to tackle a full fledged cattail marsh anymore..
I dont see another Lab/flusher in my future.. At least not until Im personally not able to cover the ground anymore myself.