which hunt test is the best for hunting dogs?


Well-known member
Okay here is a question to noodle around a bit. I hunt with my dogs, have sent them to training to finish some handling and to force break them. My question is what hunt tests or game do you think are the best for hunting dogs? I have run one of my dog's through to a JH title. I looked at the SH and MH and thought the handicaps they put on dogs to not use their best asset (their nose) makes this game seem counterproductive to what I am trying to do in the field. I don't know a lot about the other games and tests but thought I would ask and see if anybody runs dogs in these tests and what you have found to be helpful in training for actual hunting situations?
For pointing dogs I would have to say NSTRA, because it is probably the most like actual hunting and is not a timed based, run and gun event. It is based on the dogs ability to find birds, hold point, retrieve to hand, cover the ground, be obedient in the field and back. About everything you would expect of a trained hunting dog in the field. Just maybe to a little higher level.

I don't know what's out there that is comparable for flushing dogs.
HRC tries to present a more realistic hunting setup as compared to AKC. In addition, the also offer an upland test...since this is a pheasant forum.

Training for advanced AKC tests does greatly enhance your dog's skills and your teamwork together.


God luck, and go have fun!

The HRC does have an Upland Test but it's a joke. The only thing they evaluate is steadiness. I don't know about you, but when I'm looking over a field & wondering where the birds might be, "steadiness" isn't the most important thing I'm worried about.

The problem is, the retriever hunt test "culture" has evolved away from hunters & toward "wannabe" Field Trialers. As mentioned, they actually discourage the use of nose in the way they set up & judge a dogs performance.

Recently, the AKC opened up Spaniel Hunt tests to Labs & Goldens. They aren't very demanding from the retrieving aspect but in general, they do represent a pretty good hunting dog.
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It amuses me, that everyone wants a "test" or a "trial" that is the most realistic as possible. And are upset that it isn't or come online and bash it for one reason or another.

It simply is impossible to reproduce what is occurring in the field with wild birds in their own habitat. The sheer nature of pen raised birds will attest to that. Hunt tests and field trials are simple what they are. Tests and trials. Nothing will come close to the real thing. All have their advantages and disadvantages. Just depends on what you want to do. NSTRA isn't for me. AF/AKC Field trials are. The timed run and gun events aren't for me. Neither are hunt tests.
Field trials and tests measure the extremes. Remember, the field trials were originally supposed to measure potential breed stock, and by doing so, measuring the extremes of the breed/dog. Of course most of the situations that test/trials don't seem realistic. It's rare to come upon some of the scenarios that they enforce during tests/trials that they do in real life situations.

My suggestion is to find a game that is fun for you and the dog. Enjoy the games, and how it lengthens your seasons with the dog. Enjoy the camaraderie of fellow like-minding individuals and not go into each test as not being "realistic" enough, or "culture that is geared towards wannabe field trialers".
It amuses me, that everyone wants a "test" or a "trial" that is the most realistic as possible. And are upset that it isn't or come online and bash it for one reason or another.

It simply is impossible to reproduce what is occurring in the field with wild birds in their own habitat. The sheer nature of pen raised birds will attest to that. Hunt tests and field trials are simple what they are. Tests and trials. Nothing will come close to the real thing. All have their advantages and disadvantages. Just depends on what you want to do. NSTRA isn't for me. AF/AKC Field trials are. The timed run and gun events aren't for me. Neither are hunt tests.
Field trials and tests measure the extremes. Remember, the field trials were originally supposed to measure potential breed stock, and by doing so, measuring the extremes of the breed/dog. Of course most of the situations that test/trials don't seem realistic. It's rare to come upon some of the scenarios that they enforce during tests/trials that they do in real life situations.

My suggestion is to find a game that is fun for you and the dog. Enjoy the games, and how it lengthens your seasons with the dog. Enjoy the camaraderie of fellow like-minding individuals and not go into each test as not being "realistic" enough, or "culture that is geared towards wannabe field trialers".

Very nice post!

Try a few and see what you like best. I personally like NAHRA the best, however they hold very few tests in my area. AKC has a lot of events and the titles are the most recognized. HRC claims to represent hunting more realitsticly, in some ways they do (maybe). Personally I think HRC judging is a bit to soft. The upland test does test more than steadiness and is fun to do in the winter! If you have huge balls give SRS a try, it takes a hell of a dog, handler, and trainging to compete! CMRC fun trials are a cheap, informal way to play the FT game. And they are just a few miles from you in Sauk Rapids. However they only run from December through April. My young dog took 4th in a VERY strong group a few weeks ago.
Ps Tom Lane's dog IKE made it to the final series with Yozamp handling in GA a few weeks back!!
I do them both, I like HRC alot better then AKC, great people in both, but in HRC you may be sitting in a bunch of cattails calling on a duck call and shooting birds just alot more fun for me and my dogs, and you dont need to be a pro to run the finished tests, were as in AKC you better know what you are doing or you will be out quick,,,,