When will the upland forecast be out?

Well, take this for what it's worth, but I heard the first optimistic report yesterday that I've heard since the spring.
An old trusted friend of mine has been going out and hunting with this group of farmers and their families for decades. Big big group! They even have old school buses to move everyone from field to field!
Anyway, he talked to a few of them last week and they told him "We had one hell of a hatch!"
This could be posted in the "pockets of birds" thread too I guess because they always seem to have a good population there. Now,...last year, was the worst I've ever heard him talk about it.
Anyway, there it is. A sliver of sunshine amongst all this doom and gloom! ;)
Here is the summary of the forecast that should officially come out tomorrow. KDWP typically lets the Wichita Eagle run a story on the forecast the day before it come out, and I have put the link to the article below. It's pretty hard to find any silver lining in it.


This is very bad news for everyone again. Even turkey got effected. I kinda figured that cuz of that late snow through them way off. Guess I'll be heading to Harding Gamebirds again this year.
"While the 2010-11 season was one of the best in 30 years......"

What? Either the last 30 years was horrible where he hunts and awesome where I hunt or that guy has a very short memory!
