What big adventure

All right guys and gals it's seems the boss is working you to hard:mad: Been alittle slow around here. So I came up with a new question to get you thinking:eek: Lets say the boss hit his head and said he's going to give you a week off:10sign: What would be your big adventure? Sit around the house? Take the family on a trip? Or maybe go look for Bigfoot:D
Well after hearing Black clouds golf report I know what he'll be doing taking golf lessons:p I'm not for sure what I'd do.
Oh and NO FISHING AND HUNTING now you really have to think:D
Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Actually looking at doing this sometime in September with my 77 yo father. (I would have to see about a little safari while in Tanzania even if Coot won't allow it, just nobody tell him;))
All right guys and gals it's seems the boss is working you to hard:mad: Been alittle slow around here. So I came up with a new question to get you thinking:eek: Lets say the boss hit his head and said he's going to give you a week off:10sign: What would be your big adventure? Sit around the house? Take the family on a trip? Or maybe go look for Bigfoot:D
Well after hearing Black clouds golf report I know what he'll be doing taking golf lessons:p I'm not for sure what I'd do.
Oh and NO FISHING AND HUNTING now you really have to think:D

Is this a paid week off???? If so I'd be Fishing??? Heck no , The honey do list would be killing me. Unless I got luck. My luck sucks. So I'd be doing the list, or looking for a new Girl, Might be a good thing, but I hate breaking a in new model. It's to much work. That's my song and I'll sing it. HAHA
Thought i might put on the silk and do some roller skating!!!!! LOL:eek::cheers:Maybe go to Old Chicago and do the 100 beer club!! Wait , already did that! Maybe spend some good Quality time with my 7 and 9 year old girls!!!! No dress up of course, gotta have rules!!
No hunting or fishing??? Sacrilege!!! I don't know what I'd do with a week off without being able to hunt or fish. Probably go crazy I guess.:D
Coot!:eek: NO hunting or fishing:confused:
WAY!! to limiting for me.:(
New Orleans

I would go to NO, try its famous Sazerac cocktail -- probably more than one -- eat lots of oysters, claims, shrimp, and snapper, wash it all down with cold beer and catch the old time jazz tunes at Preservation Hall.
i'd have my ass in the sand cold beer in my hand and not a care in the world

:thumbsup: And I did exactly that about 7-8 years ago. I won an all inclusive trip to Cancun. Other than one side trip to the Mayan ruins I did nothing but sit in the sun and have a few cocktails. I'd start on Bloody Mary's around 10:00 AM and by early afternoon I'd have to go back to the room for a nap. Then get after it again. Great time. :)
Alaska would be ok, but I'd rather see Belize right now. Spend some time arouind the Coral Reef, see Mayan ruins, then sit in the sand and be a bum for the time that remained.