Water- We need to change.

Well, something is going to have to change sooner than later out there. Sucking a massive body of underground water dry really is not an option.

Hopefully there's enough folks out there that will see (or have already seen) the light and begin a large scale commitment/movement to change their ways. As painful as it will be. The only other option is a future of "nothing".
Heck I was just trying to get a little grass to grow in new lawn this fall and got some sprinklers and ran them tonight. Was worried about my well running dry.

Between irrigation and tiling the aquifers don't stand a chance it seems.
But its our job to feed the world! Keep pumping, use surface water until our rivers are dead and put more dams on them. A good river should be damed at least every 20 miles or what's the point? I've always wondered why ground water has no restrictions.