Wall Street finds the long ignored Ag. Sector


Active member
Heaven help us all. The wall streeters have turned to the long moribund ag sector as as the big profit play, going forward. Having wrung the juice out of almost everything else, we will now enjoy the vision of wall street on not only commodity manipulation, and food prices, but even on farmland, as the rush to form real estate investment trusts and management companies to wring every cent out of every blessed acre is in full swing. Cargill already owns 85% of all U.S. Beef processing. There's an open market. Soon entire townships owned by investors by the share. With that kind of clout, they will own the county commissioners, set policy, essentially make their own rules, like they do now in the financial markets. Room for wildlife? Nothing on wall street but vultures and pigeons. Three seperate articles in various Business journals trumpet the "good news" this A.M.
I'll bet they don't give a dam about the 3 R's

1. Reverence towards Earth's creation
2. Responsibility to future generations
3 RESTRAINT in the knowledge that not EVERYTHING we can do, SHOULD WE DO.

I guess thats just way to much to hope for:(
Wall Street doesn't want o buy farm ground, they have to buy farm ground.

You can blame the Federal Reserve for that. Those printed tens fo trillions of new dollars have to go into something and something real v. something made of more paper just makes a hell of a lot more sense.
Wall Street doesn't want o buy farm ground, they have to buy farm ground.

You can blame the Federal Reserve for that. Those printed tens fo trillions of new dollars have to go into something and something real v. something made of more paper just makes a hell of a lot more sense.

I agree, we have to get our fiscal house in order quick or we are in trouble. It might be too late already.
exactly, thanks to "helicopter Ben" greenbacks are everywhere and soon to be worth even less, so commodities, like metals and oil and now farmland will be in great demand, cash, not so much, the damn stuff is being printed out of thin air.
Three R's

I thought that the "Three R's" that should be taught to each child ought to be changed to the "Five R's". But, most parents gave up the responsibility of teaching morals and right/wrong to the school system. Then, the government stepped in; and we all know how that ended.

Five R's

Place your trust in our Lord as you can not trust our government.
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Coot, I'd bet my fresh case of Bud, Ain't nobody gonna give a crap about pheasants.:(
It all ended the day the Gov't said they're to big to fail. 100 years from now whats america going to look like?

Aren't you guys glad we wont be around to bear witness to this disaster?
I can barely stand what is going on today let alone 100 years from now.
Remember this gentlemen.....

We are the people we've been waiting for.....get R dun.:thumbsup:

We can't do anything about things beyond our lifetime--soooo do what YOU can now and try to leave it in good understanding hands when your gone. Do this and you will be remmembered as one of the good old boys. :thumbsup: