Vet Recommendation - Metro Area


Active member
Moving to Edina area and looking for a vet that deals with sporting/hunting dogs.
Would really love a vet that gets what hunting dogs go through. barb wire, cuts, etc.
I used Westgate (43rd & France) when I had my springer, and they were pretty good, but I just reached out to a friend who strongly suggested finding a vet outside of Edina. Too expensive here and most “treat dogs like humans.” Not sure that is a horrible thing. Sorry I don’t have more insights.
I use Rockford Road Animal Hospital for most of my Vet stuff, used to be owned by a hunter. Then use U of M for emergencies on off hours or weekends.
Finding a vet who specifically understands the specific needs and injuries associated with canine athletes may be hard to find unless someone posts that their Vet is hunter or has extensive experience in treating sporting dogs. Sometimes word of mouth is a good starting point. Most important is to find a vet that you can trust and have a good relationship with and doesn't seem to push on you all the products they sell. That trust may take time, but that's why word of mouth is a good place to start.
Dr Joel Ihnen at All Pets and Equine in Zimmerman is hands down the go to guy for sporting dogs. He is a skilled vet/surgeon, avid hunter, OFA evaluator, and dog trainer. Unfortunately Zimmerman is a bit further than you may want to go but I think you will find it worth the drive for the quality of the work.
We have been going to St Paul Pet Hospital for quite some time now. The primary owner, Dr Eric is an avid hunter and truly understands bird dogs. I believe he owns a lab(s) himself. They have a couple of locations, one in Cathedral Hill and one near St Thomas. Would highly recommend them.